Amanda vs Renfrew Top

The good news: I totes made me a wearable muslin of the Renfrew Top with a sweet little v-neck and purple trim. And the best bit? It totally goes with my owl PJ pants. A win, I’m sure you would agree!

The bad news: it’s rather baggy round my waist and while I like a bit of slouch I think this is just a wee bit too much. It makes me feel like Skippy the Bush Kangaroo with a little pouch to store helpful gadgets in to save friendly national park rangers in times of crisis. I mean look at these similarities…


Kangaroo Photo Credit 
Apart from having a pouch of holding, I am loving this pattern. After carefully chipping away at The Awesome Cape of Awesomeness it was so nice to whip together something quick and sassy. I love the fit around the bust and my arms so now I need to work at grading a pattern slightly at my waist. I’m not looking to take it in much but just to remove some of the floppiness. Let’s take a moment to look at it flat… No pouches here…
Now, let’s talk some real talk. I’m not quite sure how to properly grade a pattern and record this information. So far I’ve been all about grabbing handfuls of fabric and a bunch of pins and getting it done. I’m hardcore like that. But it’s time to get some more mad skills and learn to grade properly. This sewist is all about the learning. And the bragging about how rad these seams match up. Sassy, non?
So all up, I’m giving the Renfrew Top by Sewaholic pattern a big thumbs up. This muslin is only stage one and I’m looking forward to getting my pattern grading on. Just you wait, gentle readers, there is going to be an epic grey and white striped knit top in your blog reading future… Mark my words!


  1. By no means am I an expert in pattern grading for knits – I’ve done exactly one so far lol – it was totally incredibly easy!!

    Now that you have a muslin, put it on and stick a pin at the area you want to start grading then mark that spot on your pattern. Then figure out the size you want to end with and draw a line connecting the two, trying to keep a gentle curve. So easy! 🙂

    I graded between 3 sizes on the mission maxi and it worked out perfectly 🙂 Good luck with yours!! 🙂

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