What is #bpSewvember? It is an annual instagram photo a day challenge for all the rad sewing people out there. It’s a chance to share a glimpse of your sewing world and meet like minded peeps. Sewing can often be a solitary pastime and for some of us it can be hard to find other sewists nearby. So let’s share our spaces, our stashes and our stories. It’ll be like having a gang of sewing buddies popping by everyday!
Each day I post a prompt on my Instagram account with a short blurb fleshing out the theme. An accompanying daily Stories template provides an alternate (or additional!) way to join the conversation.
Post photos for as many or as few days as you want – there is no pressure to complete the entire set of prompts! bpSewvember is all about having fun and meeting people so engage in a way that works for you and makes it super fun!
For those interested in the past prompts, please find 2014 to 2019 below.