Amanda vs Beignet Skirt

Dum dum dum.
Dum dum dum.
Dum dum duuuuuuum.

*get into Rocky groove*

Rising up, back on the street, did my time, took my chances…

But Beignet’s tough, it’s quite the feat, tryin’ to make it look fancy…

It’s the trial of Amanda, it’s the thrill of sew, rising up to the challenge of the pattern.

But the last known poor seamstress sews on into the night, and she’s finally defeated by the challenge of Beignet…

The contender came into this challenge full of zest with something to prove. The Beignet had done some damage in the last bout with the whole shell sewn inside out but the challenger had picked it apart and sewn it back together. ZAM!

Today’s bout started badly when the Beignet did a surprise left hook and revealed that in the resewing last night two of the pieces had been mixed up. KA POW! Amanda then spent 45 minutes unpicking all of the serged pattern sections and re-piecing things in the correct order.

In a surprise moved the contender smashed a cute as a button fabric lining into the shell. It looked sweet and professional. Beignet had no retaliation at this point.

This was followed up by a surprise find- cheesy 70s buttons found in a giant sort-your-own-bag-of-buttons bin. Beignet was faltering.

It looked to be a quick finish by the underdog.

Alas! Beignet had something left in her. Poor fabric choice, bad button hole measurement plus a muslin without a lining lead to poor bunchy fit. Not even a pair of Spanx could rescue our challenger.

Our contender dug deep and found the energy for one last push to the finish. All buttons were cut off and realigned. Exhausted the challenger dragged herself to the mirror for the final showdown.

It was not to be. Even with the Spanx back in the game and newly straightened buttons things just did not sit well. Beignet was declared a winner for the third time.

What I liked about this pattern:

  • The lining looks so lovely! It was my favourite feature.
  • The high waist. If fitted well would look great.
What I would change next time:
  • A muslin with lining- more time but should pay off.
  • Better fabric. I discovered too late that the sateen had stretch. Gah!
  • More research into fitting. Time to devour more blogs and books.
  • Better button holes. Practise, practise, practise.
Let’s be honest- there is something about this pattern that is my personal achilles heel. I’m going to leave this be for a few months and once I have started to hone my skills into epicness I shall try again. Nothing was going right with this and I shudder to think how long I have spent on Beignet this week. Scary times.
Has anyone else had this problem fitting the Beignet? Or is there a different pattern that is your nemesis? If so, please link!
And now I’m off to glower at the travesty that is my skirt and plan the next project…




  1. I frickin LOVE your writing. Fantastic way to approach a project like this, with humor. I have patterns like that, too. You’re right to try again after a while, sometimes that does the trick. 🙂

    Looking forward to your Ginger!

  2. Thanks Steph! I was at the “if I don’t laugh, I’ll cry” stage with this skirt. Or drink gin. Maybe that should be the answer to this sewing dilemma… 😀

  3. Oh no! Not another defeat! Personally, looking at those photos, I would call it a win just because I could never sew something so neat! How depressing. Forth times a charm? I fully admire you anti defeatist attitude!

  4. I’m new to your blog but I have to say, I admire your spirit and I believe it will be the thing that helps you defeat Beignet in the end! LOL I name my sewing nemeses too, so I totally relate to your approach, and your determination gives me hope not to quit on mine 🙂

  5. I know, Megan! Totally heartbreaking! I’ve physically put this pattern into the time out corner (aka the bottom of my pattern box) where it can have a long think about being naughty!

  6. Hi Symon, thanks for the support against my nemesis! It’s important for us to all stick together and take on patterns that mock us with their fancy cuts. Power to the sewing ladies (and chaps)! 😀

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