Amanda vs Unicorn Shorts

Every time I go into a fabric store I tell myself – Amanda, you are totally going to buy some awesome linen in a gorgeous solid colour and make mature and grown up clothes that will never go out of date and will be timelessly chic. What you see below is not the result of one of those times (in fact- I am still yet to do that). This is the tale of a sassy lady, some unicorn fabric and the dream to make the most ridiculously adorable shorts ever. I present to you UNICORN SHORTS OF WONDER AND WHIMSY!

Deer and Doe, Chataigne Shorts, Sewing, Deer and Doe Patterns, Beginning Sewing, DIY, Memade Wardrobe, Liberty Fabric, Unicorn Shorts, Sewing Blogger, Canberra Sewing, Canberra Sewing Blogger,

And with no surprises for anyone this is yet another pair of Chataigne Shorts by Deer and Doe. This is again Version A which features inverted box pleats with cuffs. These are meant to have welt pockets not he back but I left these off again because I didn’t want to interrupt the majesty of my unicorn covered butt. If these are looking familiar around these parts I also made a chambray pair in February.

Deer and Doe, Chataigne Shorts, Sewing, Deer and Doe Patterns, Beginning Sewing, DIY, Memade Wardrobe, Liberty Fabric, Unicorn Shorts, Sewing Blogger, Canberra Sewing, Canberra Sewing Blogger,

But let’s talk the rad part – magical fabric! I grabbed this sucker from The Fabric Store in January on a total whim. I was in the store to buy some merino jersey for some tees and as I was carrying the bolt over to the register some weird six sense made me turn around and look at the Liberty and there it was – I swear I could hear a whinny “Buy me, Amanda! I will make you look boss as!” And who am I to ignore such a compelling argument?! Sadly, in my excitement to snaffle this AND juggle two bolts of merino I forgot to take down the name of the print. If anyone knows of the name I would be most obliged! And will show my appreciation in some sweet Rainbow Dash GIFs!

Deer and Doe, Chataigne Shorts, Sewing, Deer and Doe Patterns, Beginning Sewing, DIY, Memade Wardrobe, Liberty Fabric, Unicorn Shorts, Sewing Blogger, Canberra Sewing, Canberra Sewing Blogger,

Construction wise, this was pretty straight forward. I had some issues with getting the yoke point as sharp as I would have liked but it turned out fine. I did get super lazy with the waistband lining as I wanted to wear my magic unicorn shorts right away and used my stitch in the ditch foot. It looks fine from the outside, but the inside is a little bit freeform. Also, my waistband fabric is flamingos. Because apparently it is impossible to have too much majesty in once garment. Let the flamingicorn combo distract you from the shonky stitching…

Deer and Doe, Chataigne Shorts, Sewing, Deer and Doe Patterns, Beginning Sewing, DIY, Memade Wardrobe, Liberty Fabric, Unicorn Shorts, Sewing Blogger, Canberra Sewing, Canberra Sewing Blogger,

What I liked about this pattern:

  • The pleats. It makes the thigh area a littler roomier which is great for this ex-derby player! Muscles from Brussels Canberra over here teehee!
  • The yoke. It’s such an interesting feature and it gets lots of compliments.
  • FLAMINGICORNS. Let’s be real. This is the best animal combo ever.

What I would change for next time:

  • Fabric with a softer hand. I’ve seen a few of these looking very sharp in softer twill or wool. I need a pair!
  • Take the waist in a little. These sit a little lower and looser than I like… though it does leave me room for delicious burger and fries lunch…
  • Give the welt pockets a go. Maybe. I’ll see how I feel.

Deer and Doe, Chataigne Shorts, Sewing, Deer and Doe Patterns, Beginning Sewing, DIY, Memade Wardrobe, Liberty Fabric, Unicorn Shorts, Sewing Blogger, Canberra Sewing, Canberra Sewing Blogger,

The Deets

Pattern:Chataigne Shorts by Deer and Doe

Fabric: 80cm of Liberty drill from The Fabric Store, fusible interfacing and left over flamingo fabric from my Datura Blouse.

Notions: invisible zipper and thread from the stash

Size: 44

Adjustments: 2cm to leg length, under stitch pockets, catch stitch cuffs

See also: my chambray pair

Deer and Doe, Chataigne Shorts, Sewing, Deer and Doe Patterns, Beginning Sewing, DIY, Memade Wardrobe, Liberty Fabric, Unicorn Shorts, Sewing Blogger, Canberra Sewing, Canberra Sewing Blogger,

It’ll be no surprise that I love these. And if I am honest I made these up earlier in the year and have worn them so only got a chance to take photos just before my surgery. Oops! Though who can say no to the Flamingicorns?!

And let me awkwardly segway – if you are at all interested in hearing me natter about #bpSewvember, my dogs and lots of random goodness I was on a recent episode of the Love to Sew podcast. Be warned this lady likes to ramble on weird tangents so it is … Ohh SQUIRREL!


  1. Just discovered you from the Create & Thrive podcast! Sewing is also my hobby and I don’t want that to change. I’m a bit obsessed with Deer & Doe at the moment, so thank you for sharing your version of these shorts! I too have ample thighs, and struggle to find shorts that don’t cut off my circulation, so I’m happy to hear these shorts might actually look as good on me as they do on you! And since it’s currently winter over here in Seattle, your suggestion of using a lightweight wool is making me think these could really work for cooler temperatures!

    • Hello from Canberra! Deer and Doe are the bees’ knees and a lightweight wool version of the Chataigne will be seriously rad! Give in to them! And yay for having such a rad hobby as sewing -for me it is just too much fun to lose that love!!! 😀

  2. Amanda thank you for this delightful early AM Friday giggle! LOVE your shorts – the unicorns on this gorgeous Liberty are so subtle (like the shy creatures they are!) on this beautiful sky-blue cotton. The flamingos more than make up for their subtly though on the inside – the surprise lining specially meant for the dresser’s delight 😉 Listened to you on Love to Sew and enjoyed listening to the three of you chat like old friends about all of us listeners favourite subject.

  3. I those these! I actually think the unicorns are very understated and you can get away with them in the workplace because they are not multi-coloured My Little Pony 80’s style. The yoke is similar to that on the RDC Emile pants, which I have as yet unmade in my stash. I’m wondering if I can hack this to shorts or just buy the D&D pattern?

  4. I’m sure you’ll be thrilled to know I ALSO purchased some of this fabric in January, with the express purpose of making some shorts. I deliberated on whether such a print was suited to a lady of my vintage and thought F it, TOTALLY and merrily added it to my stash. These are of course fabulous!

  5. Such a great shorts pattern. And it was just yesterday (as I wrestled with my toddler in the backyard) that I was lamenting wearing white shorts (self made of course) and that I needed to whip up a pair more suitable for camoflaging the elements. These are so gorgeous on you – love that waistband! And I think they have another super power – that they look solid and mature from afar… but then up close BAM! Unicorns!!!

  6. LOve! I have the same problem with buying ‘grown up’ fabric. Making a dress for next weekend and what did I end up with? Bright pink flamingoes. So much for the grown up linen I went into the store for in the first place….

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