Amanda vs Tessuti Tokyo Jacket

When I was teaching drama I totally let the team down. I spent my time in corporate casual sassiness rather than going nuts with Arts teacher clothing fun- truly the greatest regret of my public school teaching career. So when I stumbled across the most amazing paint splattered fabric last weekend I absolutely knew I had to make it into something that I could rock to work on casual Friday. You can take the girl out of drama teaching but you can’t take drama teaching out of the girl. Welcome to my most insanely bright make yet- the paint spattered Tessuti Tokyo Jacket.


The Tokyo Jacket is a loose fitting, relaxed jacket with three-quarter length magyar sleeves. For those not in the know (read: me until I googled) a magyar sleeve is a fancy term for batwing. Deep thought: could Batman also be known as Magyarman?! But I digress, there is one thing better than learning the definition of magyar and that is the fact this pattern comes with a copy shop print file. $4 printing cost = 45 minutes less prep time = winning at sewing.


Now the pattern is quite specific about getting fabrics with a soft handle but because I am one crazy renegade I went with a cotton sateen. I mean- look at this paint smeared awesomeness! Luckily the fabric is pretty soft and while it has some structure it isn’t too stiff. Plus, it reminds me of the madness of The Colour Run which I ran in with the rad Myra of my-zee-moo a couple of weeks back. Good times with sewing buddies!


This jacket is a pretty straightforward make. There is not interfacing, fastenings or fancy moves required. The most time consuming part of this process was prepping my mint julep before basting the collar down and edge stitching it closed to hide the raw edges. Seriously. This is going to be a pattern I recommend to newish sewists who are looking for something sassy with no fitting requirements. Like stylish bosses!


The only change I made to this pattern was to under stitch the bottom of the pocket bags and the inner edge of the sleeve cuffs. As the sateen was white on one side I wanted to avoid turn of cloth issues and avoid having the plain underside roll to the front and dull down the colour explosion. This has worked a treat and took only a couple of extra minutes- lazy win!


What I liked about this pattern:

  • No fitting issues! FBAs are currently messing with my head and it was nice to go in to something without needing to fit.
  • The massive pocket bags. I could seriously simultaneously smuggle all of the following in these: baguette, bottle of wine, parakeet.
  • The 80s lines of this. I feel like Don Johnson. And it’s a good thing.

What I would change next time:

  • Go a size down. Yes, it is meant to be boxy and oversized but it feels like there is a smidgen too much room for me.
  • Cut the back on the fold for extra drape. I wanna be Batgirl! Or is that Magyargirl?!
  • Try this with a drapey fabric- though as autumn is finally in the air that will be have to be a spring make.

The Deets

Pattern: Tokyo Jacket by Tessuti

Fabric: 2m of cotton sateen from Spotlight

Notions: thread

See also: Top Notch, Sew Amy SewBernie and I, Barbara Jane Made


Overall, while I am digging this hard I’m not 100% sold on it. I love the idea of the pattern and the fabric but I feel like it may be slightly too much colour going on… Though is there such a thing?! But most importantly, it’s time to get my Zoolander on. Prepare for the power of Blue Steel!




  1. I love the colors on this jacket! I can see why you feel it’s too big though, it does seem a bit like it’s taking over–which is fine if that’s what you want, but if it’s not, it’ll just bug you. And I totally know how you feel about dealing with an FBA, ARGH!!

    • Isn’t it crazy colourful? I love the fabric so much and am going to try this in a neutral combo this week- I think it should be cool. Wish me luck!

  2. This is amazing! I always love your makes and your posts, and this jacket is ace! I don’t think it looks like it’s too much colour worn with more neutral things, also with the white running through it. It looks super comfortable too.

  3. Fabulous colours, I wouldn’t have been, able resist that fabric. I regret all the black I wore before i started sewing again. Thanks for the mention too!

  4. You might be iffy about it but it looks totally fantastic! It is one of my fave Tokyos. You rock the bright colours – I agree with other commenters, keep it neutral underneath and you have a totally brilliant outfit!

  5. I LOVE IT! I think you paired it nicely with a deep navy trouser/pant/jean and solid colours. If any improvement, perhaps a slightly longer jacket?
    And Zoolander 2!!!!!!!!

  6. I stopped reading after the copy shop fee to just quickly rant: Why is it so inexpensive for Australians?! I pay 20USD. Now back to my regularly scheduled programming.

    • if it’s any consolation, I’m in Australia and went to print this at my local copy shop today. 30 minutes, 2 restless toddlers and one confused assistant later the girl said “$33 please”. I almost burst into tears. Ummm I thought it was $4? “Yeah but because it’s not a standard size we had to print it on card bla bla”. Ummmm shouldn’t you have mentioned this BEFORE you printed it for me?
      One call to the manager later and it was mine for $4. But it was a horrible experience. And the sizing on the pattern is wrong.
      Rant over 😉

      • Gah! That sucks, Brooke 🙁 I have my Officeworks peeps trained with the 100% only or I will ninja chop you schtick. The pattern is totes worth it!

    • Bloody hell- that is bananas! I guess this is a small compensation for the fact our Big 4 patterns are $17 each. That and my MAC lipstick is $29 a tube. Let me tell you I bought all the things when I was in NYC! But yay for cheap printing!! 😀

  7. Ok why didn’t I know you used to be a drama teacher. You would have been the drama teacher of my dreams in high school. I am in love with this jacket. You are kind of reminding me of the teacher from the magic schoolbus. Awesome!!!

    • And the crazy thing is, I spent a year of that teaching on the Gold Coast. Bwah ha ha! Small world! OMG I take your Ms Frizzle compliment and hoard it!

  8. I love this. I think it’s perfect teamed with solids. In fact I suspect Batman is eyeing off that jacket & considering a costume/name change.

  9. Nuh nuh nuh-nuh-nuh MAGYARMAN! I had a good little laugh about that. That fabric is the stuff of my childhood dreams (and my adult dreams, who am I kidding?)

  10. Totally brave and crazy!!! I do think it would benefit from going down a size, and I think it would look super smashing with a simple white shift dress or pencil skirt 🙂

  11. ooh yes! this is sooo much fun! If you we’re my drama teacher I would have whipped out all the cheesy drama class moves for this jacket like exaggerated shoulder shrugs, impersonating a tree and over expressing my lines. I love the fabric and such a great fit.
    Oh and you have like dream wavy hair! I am a straight haired lass but i like the cut of your hairs jib. wavy but not frizzy!

    • Heck, yes! We need to get some sweet improv dance moves happening like yesterday 😀
      And many thanks- a super hair anxious lady here after years of mockery for its puffiness. It’s now the era of waves and extra GHD curls!

  12. ugh I LOVE that fabric. I can actually picture my high school drama teaching wearing something very similar back in the day!
    I guess on the bright side of it being a little loose, there’s plenty of room for eating? 🙂

    • Bec, you know I am all about the eating of all the things! I think we need a CBR sewing group catch up at Brodburger so I can get my nom on and hide my burger baby with comfort and ease.

  13. Um, this is my jam!! And yes, I am actually an art teacher :). The splatter fabric is awesome and I think the straight forward silhouette is perfect for it. I’ve always been tempted by the Tokyo jacket pattern. I hope you wear it all the time. It really is awesome!

  14. HOW. DID. I . MISS. THIS. This is fantastic!!!! My favourite Tokyo rendition to date, although Kristy’s fabric-of-the-year version is close on your tail still. Those colours! I’m still a little miffed that I could never find any fabric like this in Spotlight when I lived in Sydney.

    • I feel like this may be a Canberra lady look for the season 😀 Spotto has totally stepped up its game in the last couple of months- I used to struggle to find anything decent as well!

  15. Drool – the inside of your cuffs!! The colours are killer – very Drama Teacher-esque. Do you think it might grow on you? ps – your hair is having a massive attack of awesomeness.

    • I must admit to being rather happy with my edge stitching on the cuffs 😀 Have matched this with a striped shirt and am loving it more now. Stripes make everything even more awesome!

  16. “Is that a parakeet in your pocket? Or are you just pleased to see me?” “Nope that’s a baguette”
    This jacket is rad artistic and casual. Excellent combo

    • Let’s be honest- the awesomeness of a jacket is in inverse proportion to how many parakeets you can smuggle int he pockets! 😉

  17. Sorry, but you need to work on your Blue Steel. Kirsty does it better 😉

    Seriously though, I love this jacket and I am so on this kimono boat! Especially if one can smuggle a parakeet in those pockets.

    • One can but aspire to the awesomeness of the KB Blue Steel 😉
      Just quietly, the limo is where it is at for 2015. Yup, I have decided therefore it is!

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