Amanda vs Sureau Dress

Let’s start with some real talk.

For all intents and purposes this was meant to be a muslin for the Sureau dress sewalong hosted by  ::paunett:: and the designer of the pattern, Deer & Doe. I mean, I used stash fabric (I like to make a muslin in something colourful because it keeps me cheery as I make adjustments), I corrected fitting issues (nipped that sucker in the waist by an inch) and didn’t even bother with facings because it was a practise. But as I roughly finished the bodice up I realised this pattern and this fabric were totes meant to be. I mean, random cotton and Amanda trying to decipher a French pattern should really end up as a hot mess but in this case it was cute as a button! I carefully unpicked all of the basting and set to work sewing this sucker up properly. And check out the finished result. Hello epic sundress!

So this frock is meant to be a lovely long sleeved number but it is summer here and time to show off the buff guns arm meat. I omitted the sleeves in this version and instead used self made bias binding to finish the neckline and armholes. One thing I forgot to consider was to take these seam allowances in a bit to compensate for the fact I wasn’t sewing in a facing. Oops. At least my arms are now enjoying an extra 2/8″ of coverage!

And this pattern is so great my Sureau even looks rather snazzy at the back! The gathers help create some nice waist definition though looking at this photo I kind of want to add a brown belt. Urge to accessorise growing…

But enough sassy photos- we need to talk about the pattern…

What I loved:

  • The easy construction of the dress. Everything was out together in a logical way and it was a breeze to construct.
  • The bust gathers. I’m officially obsessed.
  • The yoke. I loved making this white so it looked like a teeny floral tuxedo top. And itty bitty yellow buttons? Hello, someone’s on the train to awesome town!
What I will change for next time:
    • Take more care with the bias binding. I didn’t clip the curves well enough so I feel that the edges aren’t sitting as well as they could. Take your time, Amanda!
    • I’d like to make a long sleeved version for winter. So that is totes on my list for winter style 2013.
    • Otherwise, there is nothing here to change. Well played, Deer & Doe. Well played!
So let me break this down to y’all in a few a words as possible. I am in love with this frock and I need more Sureaus in my life. I may or may not be currently working on another version in a sassy Japansese fabric but I am afraid I cannot confirm or deny that story until my next blog post. Now, let me distract you from guessing my upcoming project with a sighting of a well dressed T-Rex spotted in front of my house…



  1. Ha ha your posts never fail to make me laugh. The train to awesome town! Best thing I have read all day. Gorgeous dress! Love the print. Are these the patterns that are in french? Did that cause any issues when you were constructing it?

  2. Not sure how your next version could get any better than the first… this is brilliant! The fabric sure does scream ‘come get me summer!’ 🙂

  3. Nice, nice, nice! I finally found my sewing mojo after a long time off and made sure I am using a fun cheerful fabric. Can’t wait to finish and blog it. Yay for your cheerful sundress!!!

  4. Love it, fabric looks so bright and fresh and I like the buttons down the front!
    I have the coat pattern from Deer and Doe waiting to be made up, probably next year because it is so hot at the moment! That dress looks lovely and cool for summer though

  5. Rawwr indeed! I shied away from this pattern worried it was another indie tiny girl fest- but you have sucked me in like the first episode of Firefly! I must have!!!

  6. Woo woo (that’s the noise of the train just pulling out of the station)

    This dress is wicky-wah (not sure who says that anymore apart from me. New trend?) and I concur that we all need more Sureaus in our lives. You’ve sold me on the sleeveless, I’m so doing that next!

  7. ZOMG your arms are amazing, lady! Also the dress. But mostly I can’t stop looking at your arms…is that awkward? I should go back to talking about the dress, and the happy marriage of fabric and pattern. That print is perfect for a sundress, and I love the tiny yellow buttons! And I feel the urge to belt everything too, so go right ahead, I say!

  8. they are in French, Kat. I followed along with the ::paunett:: sewalong so that made it easier. In saying that, the instruction book is well illustrated and there is nothing too crazy happening here that I think you could do it without knowing French. I believe that Deer & Doe are launching their English versions very soon so keep an eye out there if you are able to wait.

  9. Amanda – I love your posts and your crazy photos! Such fun. What a wonderful dress. I think while I’m easily a decade or two older than you that our styles are very similar. Love that print, the white, and the yellow buttons – so dang adorable! May you wear it in good health. g

  10. what a great sun dress! you’re right, that fabric goes with that pattern. it looks fun to wear, and you’re so fun in these pics, perfect combo!

  11. So cute!! I lol’d at “arm meat” – I’d say you’re more in the “guns” category, my dear; and that’s a compliment! 🙂 Can’t wait to see more versions! 🙂

  12. I love your blog! I like the way you write & your pics are so full of fun! And then of course what you make is pretty awesome too – this is such a gorgeous bright summertime dress….us in the northern hemisphere can look on & be jealous – enjoy!!

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