Amanda vs Sharing Feelings and Stuff

Real talk: I am a total sticky beak. A nosy parker. That neighbour who looks over the fence to see if your veggie patch has tomatoes growing yet. It’s a fault of mine but I love to know the nitty gritty. There has been a writing blog hop happening around the sewing blogosphere lately and I’ve really enjoyed having a gander in to what motivates people and how they work. No guess for me though- it’s wine!


So when the always vivacious Lizzie from Sew Busy Lizzie nominated me for the writing blog hop I was feeling a little chuffed. Lizzie is one crazy cool lady with the mad skills to tackle Japanese patterns of few directions to jeans to jumpsuits with ease. Also, she’s one hell of a firecracker and every time we catch up it is full of silliness and smiles. If you haven’t checked her stuff out go treat yourself and do it now.

Sew Busy Lizzie
Image courtesy of

So for those who also love a little sticky beak here is my four answers in 400 words.

1. Why do you write?

I started my blog simply to see if I could start a blog. I had no idea what I was doing, how it worked and I was not ever going to show my face- bwah ha ha! If 2012 Amanda could see 2014 Amanda’s latest swimsuit post. That would be an awks conversation.

I write now because I kind of love it. When I sit at McLappy I have no idea where my words are going to take me and it’s always a crazy ride!

2. What is your writing process?

A bit of a red hot mess actually.

Once I have something finished, I’ll leave it to sit around for a few weeks because I am too disorganised to get photos taken. Finally I’ll corner my husband and negotiate some photo time (current rate is 15 minutes on a location no further than five minutes from home for a premium beer). We’ll awkwardly take some pictures and dodge country drivers from our exotic roadside locale (“For god’s sake stop moving! Less raptor! Seriously, no one wants to see you pretend to be a dinosaur in every single outfit!”) and from that I cull to six images. The next step is to pour a glass of wine and get some words down.

Writing wise I have a bit of a skeleton formula- I like to explore three things that worked for me, three challenges, the fabric and notions used, and links to versions of the same pattern from blogs I read that I love. Otherwise, it’s freestylin’. I generally knock out a post in one hit and try not to edit it too much. The way I write is the way I speak and I think that works for me. I look back at my stilted early posts and cringe. At least when I meet people they know what to expect!

3. How does it differ from other’s in the genre?

Two words people: raptor. hands.

But in all seriousness, I think peeps come here not to have their faces melted by more awesome fashion forward makes (shocking, I know!) but to read about a lady who is super excited to have made something and who will certainly mangle the English language somewhat. Though I totally think lady cargo should be added to the euphemisms for busts. Not to self- trademark that phrase.

4. What are you working on now?

I’ve just finished off two heavily modified Colette Patterns Zinnia Skirts and the first of many Baseball Singlets by Measure Twice Cut Once. I’ve got to knock together some new summer work outfits so that’ll be happening soon. Like. A. Boss.


Anyways, enough from me. Let’s talk who I’d love to find more out about.

Sonja from Ginger Makes

I have adored Sonja’s writing style from day one- she’s funny, breaks the technical down and also has two ridiculously cute pugs. Her makes are the raddest mix of practical style and epic experiments! This is one lady not scared to try a new technique, tackle an unfamiliar fabric or have fun with a new style. A blog post from Sonja makes me feel like I’m hanging out with one of my sewing buddies and we’re real talking our makes with a wine in hand.

Ginger Makes
Image courtesy www.gingermakes.

Mary from Idle Fancy

Mary is all the kinds of cool I’d like to be when I grow up. Shiny new doctorate, rad fashion style, feminist rockstar and all round awesome lady! I have been a big fan of her style since I started reading blogs and was absolutely stoked when she came back from her hiatus last year. Mary’s writing makes me want to sit down in a lovely frock, sip a mint julep and knock together the most epic shirtdress EVER!

Idle Fancy
Image courtesy

Over to you now, sassy ladies!


Edit: someone has asked where the Amanda Vs Pattern naming convention came from. I’m not going to lie. I am crazy competitive. So I like to view everything as me taking on what ever I choose to make. And let me say I do not always come out victorious. Curse you Beignet skirt!



  1. I’ve been looking forward to this post ever since I saw Lizzie nominate you. Your blog posts make me giggle, and you have the uncanny ability to make even the basics into a hilarious tale! And by the way, I’m don’t remember us ever taking a vote on whether we wanted to see Amandasaurus in every photo or not. I’d be surprised if there was a reader backlash :p

  2. All kinds of rad Manda awesomeness as always – making us all smile!
    Seriously I’m always so glad I started blogging and was introduced to mad-crazy-like-minded souls like you. Yay for random blog start-ups! mwah. Love you raptor hands and all.

  3. My DH loves your blog, so there’s a vote for wide appeal 😉 , shhhh…. lets not let him know that he can get paid in physical items for photographs though! – and I also vote to keep Amandasurus for every post!

    • Yet another vote for raptor hands! Actually, I’m going to count this for two 😉
      (I’ll hide the payment in beer part of the post just so the trend doesn’t spread!)

  4. Lovely lady! You make me smile. I too vote for more Amanda raptor hands. & if it wasn’t for starting blogs we wouldn’t be friends…. & that would be totes devastating. Love your work girl. x

  5. Because of you, whenever my husband take my pics he always asks for dinosaur hands! Clearly he believes this the standard way to show off a garment to its full potential! I love that blogging has enabled us to meet and even be roomies! You are the best 🙂

  6. Pretty sure we all read your blog for the raptor hands! It’s not an Amanda outfit with raptor hands. This blog hop has reminded me why I used to blog. Now Vinnie has been born I’m super keen to get back into sewing and blogging. It’s been nice to take a break but I miss it so much. I think it’s time to start working on a comeback. Thanks for the inspiration!

    • Bwah ha ha! Team Raptor hands has scored another vote! Kat, yours was one of the first (third, in fact) blogs I found and I loved it! Would be rad to see you blogging again (or I’ll just keep checking your rad instagrams out!)

  7. Hello, I would like to disagree with your ole ball and chain. This is one reader who would love a dinosaur pose for every outfit, do you think you could pull of a triceratops?


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