Amanda vs Pyjamas of Radness

There is that hard time in every lady’s life where you have to face the hard truths. That be your university major is not going to work for you (business major = fail for me) or that the hair colour you’re owning makes you look jaundiced (redheads the world over- I envy you!) or even that new fitness activity your trying perhaps isn’t the best fit despite your attempts to rock it hard (zumba- it was never meant to be). My latest hard truth is that it was time to let my Hello Kitty flannel pyjama bottoms go. Sure, they were almost six years old and were looking a little worn on the butt but they were still good! Until I sat down on the floor to get a puppy hug and the entire back seam ripped out of them. Message received universe- new pyjama time. And as much as I wanted in on the new Sewaholic lounge pant pattern of rad it was time to dive into the stash and make do with its frugal goodness. So today I present you with the hottest mismatched pyjama ensemble ever sewn. Get ready to be dazzled or I’ll chase you with this pillow!

Yup. That is indeed two crazy levels of fabric pattern mismatch. I utilised some cheap and cheerful pink gingham flannel I got at Lincraft a while ago on the throwout table as well as some off cut Japanese ponti and my old Simplicity 2116 pattern with some alterations to the top. And yes, I am utilising a pillow in all this pictures to help make these jammoes look cooler after my jumping on the bed montage failed. Tough times at Chez B&P.

The tank was a bit of a learning adventure for me which I did not expect. I changed the back part of the top from a racer back to a plain tank. Side note: why do you need a racer back PJ top? It’s not like I am about to head to the gym to do some weights in my jammies. Or am I missing out on something? Regardless, the back alteration was pretty easy- I used the existing sides of the top’s pattern and freestyle cut the back neckline to get a look I was happy with. But what I learnt from this pattern was the value of taking your high bust measurement. I selected my top size based on my regular bust measurement but it resulted in the top fitting well across my bust but gaping and folding around the high bust. I can say I’ve had this problem before but it’s never made sense what caused it. A total lightbulb moment for me with this top. Yay! Though it may be time to finally take on the FBA. Perhaps. Or just start wearing muumuus. That’s also an option… Or not… RAWR!

And what’s that? Is that a cute as a button embroidered feature on the top? Why yes it is! It is an itty bitty pink and purple hedgehog wearing a beret named Errol. Nothing but sheer radness allowed on my pyjamas!

The pants were a standard make though I must remember there is a fair whack of ease in Simplicity patterns. As a result I took both sides in a couple of inches and added some pipping. I’m not going to lie. I now have a piping addiction and am a little obsessed with using my piping foot.

The pants are a total loose fit which is great for me. But remember Big Four- there is a fine line between loose fit and red hot mess burlap sack sizing. Just something to keep in mind.

I also adjusted the waistband of the pants to be more of a hipband. I ended up pushing my PJs down all the time with my old pair so I figured this quick adjustment was well worth it to keep Future Amanda happy. And I must say as I sit here typing this wearing my new pants I thanks Past Amanda for her consideration. She is a-ok.

What I loved about these patterns:

    • The room for customisation. I love me a beginner pattern because there is so much freedom to sass things up. Like a pink and purple hedgehog. Because that is classy AND sassy.
    • How super quick this went together. Even though it did take me a couple of weeks to get both pieces made that was simply because my sewing was cut down to 15 minute chunks a couple of times a week. Speedy win.
    • How comfy they are. Because no one deserves ill fitting jam-jams. No one. Not even that jerk face who scratched up my tiny car trying to reverse park in the space behind me. Actually, come to think of it… May all your pyjamas be ill fitting and your cups of hot chocolate watery, jerk!


What I would change for next time:
    • Go down a size in pants. Honestly. I know the big four are all about ease but things got totes cray-cray. Let this be a lesson to me about muslin-ing everything.
    • Add a drawstring but in a cool ribbon/sash way. Yup, I could have done this this time but I needed me some new flannel pants STAT. Drawstring sash could wait.
    • The aforementioned high bust measurement problem. I am determined to make this top again and try a FBA. It’s time I stopped dodging this alteration and sucked it up.
So I have me a new pair of PJs. I call that a life win. But you know what is even more epic than having a rad new pair of jimamas? Rocking said new pyjamas whilst getting hugs from the cutest Bimble and Pimble on the planet. Fuzzy and fluffy!
Viva la winter!


  1. I don’t see a mismatched mess, I just see awesomeness!

    As for jerkface-carscratcher, I hope you got his number plate so you can stalk him and scratch an Errol on the side of his car as revenge.

  2. Thanks, Sabs 😀 In my head grey, pink and white go together in all of the ways! I didn’t grab his number plate but I shall keep an eye out. Errol has a a temper… 😉

  3. I find pajamas the best things to practice new sewing techniques on, because if they’re not perfect, it’s not as bad as something that usually goes outside (I tried pattern matching recently!). Yours look super cute though, love them!

  4. So cute!! I am also currently sewing a pair of jammies (they are going to have little heart pockets!!! Stay tuned…). And, oh my how do I love your itty bitty hedgehog wearing a beret. Did you make him up or follow an embroidery pattern?

  5. Gorgeous! I mean, having fabulous new pjs is fabulous – especially when you can embroider like a boss (had to throw that in there), but there is always that mourning period for the pants-that-passed. I threw out a pair on saturday just gone past and have been making tentative advances towards my newly acquired tofino pattern… but, I’m just not ready yet. *sigh* Your new pjs give me hope. Thankyou, Amanda! 😛

  6. There’s such a thing as a piping foot?? I shall have to investigate further! The last time I tried to sew piping it was stressful and awful.
    Errol looks top-hole.

  7. Love the embroidery – tis the cutest…. need a piping foot and need to sew myself some pj pants for post-bubs too… You’re the comfiest kid in Canberra with those pjs love. 🙂

  8. Errol is totes adorable! Love him!! 🙂

    Ah yes, ease in the ‘big 4’. Utterly ridiculous. I tried making a pair of PJ pants using a Simplicity pattern a while back. I could nearly fit in just one of the legs, they’d gone that overboard with the ease. So I gave up and just made a new pair using a pair I already had as a pattern. *sigh*

  9. Errol is the cutest! I love his little beret. I am in need of some new pj’s. My last ones were sewn while pregnant so they’re a bit too big now. I wanted to get in in time for the pj party of on Karen’s blog but I don’t think it’s to be. Oh well! As long as my pj’s are as awesome as yours I’ll be happy 🙂

  10. Hear, hear Nyssa! I hear you on pattern matching – I had the checks matched when I cut this out but by the time I was done red hot mess. You live, you learn 😀

  11. Gah! Teeny heart pockets sound AWESOME!
    And Errol came from a Sublime Stitching pattern- I think it is the Black Apple one?

  12. Mel, it is a big grieving process you need to go through to start those pants. You can do this. The first step is to prewash and then hug your flannel. Feel that fluffiness. It’s the gateway to new pants! 😉

  13. There is! And it is awesome 😀 Though in saying that I’m still learning to use it but it makes piping heaps easier!

  14. Errol thanks you for your kind words, Kat!
    The ease was a definite eye opener. I thought I had a system worked for managing Simplicity ease- boy was I wrong!

  15. Thank you lovely lady- Errol enjoys the compliments 😀
    And you deserve some rad pants! PJs for all!

  16. Errol supports your need for new PJs 😀
    I can’t wait to see what you make- I’m certain they will be retro rad!

  17. Errol is so cute!! Reminds me of this video…

    Your pj’s look cute and comfy. And yes what is it with the ease in big fours patterns. I made some pjs using a simplicity or butterick, i can’t remember, and I had to take them in a buttload!

  18. Dude, I LOVE the little hedgehog embroidery, too cute! Great pj’s, they look nice and comfy! And one of these days I’m going to sit down and really learn how to use piping–I struggle with finding just the right length to cut at intersecting seams for some reason.

  19. Hedgehog!!!!! How cute! Dammit– don’t make me want to start doing a NEW craft!!! But these are way cute! My pajamas are in a pretty sad state– I should probably make a few new pairs.

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