Amanda vs Moneta and Violet Mega Dress

When I was teaching and had to go into work on a weekend I totally wore pyjamas. As in, 10am Sunday mornings you could find me in my staff room, OJ in hand, dressed in my finest flannel pants, old tee and hoodie marking assignments. Now I am working a regular old 9 to 5 job I haven’t had a chance to employment PJ it up in years. But this will change tomorrow when I rock up to work in the snuggliest knit dress ever. Seriously. This thing is stealth pyjamas. Hold on to you teddy bears and fluffy pillow kids- this is the Moneta and Violet hybrid knit frock.


To achieve the greatness of stealth PJs there are several steps that must be undertaken. First, acquire the comfiest fabric ever. This glorious faux-quilted poly rayon blend is from Addicted to Fabric. I say faux-quilted because it is not actually stitched but upon closer inspection shows that there is a poly filler between the two layers and it looks like it may have been pressed into the quilt look. Regardless, it is freaking rad and I managed to squeeze this whole pattern out of 1.5m. Booyah! I had actually bought another metre for the bodice pieces of this dress so now I have some spare. I’m thinking either a bomber or a sweatshirt… Regardless, I’ll be the sassiest lady in Canberra with her whole wardrobe made from one fabric. At least everything will match. Bwah ha ha!


The next step to stealth PJs is to get a comfy pattern. If, like me, you are crazy picky and want a scooped bodice and a flared skirt you are going to have to get creative and merge patterns. This bodice is from the Moneta by Colette Patterns. It has a gentle scoop with a wide neckline and 3/4 sleeves making it all kinds of snug. The skirt is the Violet from Bluegingerdoll and is a knee length, flared number allowing for maximum twirls and sashays. And while yes, I hypothetically could have drafted the skirt myself, Amanda would rather spend that time drinking all the champagne and eating all the salt and vinegar crisps. And apparently referring to herself in third person. Which is weird but let’s roll with it…


This should have been a super quick and straightforward make but of course I managed to Amanda it up so the whole process took much longer than it needed to. For some bizarre reason I decided to lengthen the bodice by 3cm before cutting the pattern pieces. I am 2” taller than what Colette drafts for so was thinking ahead and trying to avoid making a toile. EPIC FAIL! When I tried on the frock for the first time the waist seam was way too low. I ended up taking 3cm off the length of both the bodice and skirt. Ugh. I am good at pre-empting rap battle lyrics but not so much with the adjustments needed for sewing…

Another note on bodice construction: the lining was omitted because why bother with a knit? Sure, it may not be the sauciest make ever from the inside but all raw edges are serged (the poly filling of the quilting was puffing out) and things look neat and tidy. I also got sassy and constructed this primarily on my overlocker and only used my regular machine for hems. Like a lazy boss!


As the skirt came from a separate pattern I eyeballed the size needed when cutting and ended up taking a little off the side seams to get a smoother line. The original inclusion of pockets was a red hot mess of the worst persuasion- it made me look like I was wearing those weird goofy jodhpurs that puff out on the thighs. Heck no. So instead this hobbitses has no pocketses. The humanity!


What I liked about this:

  • How quick the construction was. OMG who knew a knit frock could be sewn up in a couple of hours? Life changing.
  • The lack of FBA. I’ll be posting soon about my second attempt at an FBA for a frock (the first was such a fail I can’t even look at it) I am over my bust and am seriously thinking about strapping my lady cargo down a al Joan of Arc for the time being. Can someone get me a holy sword, STAT?
  • The fabric. OMG. This stuff is seriously rad.

What I would change for next time:

  • Reinforce the shoulders with elastic. I was too busy gossiping and eating all the sweet and salty popcorn (please tell me you have tried this deliciousness?!) at CBR Sewing Crew to pay attention. Catching up with everyone was totally worth the lack of elastic.
  • Add pockets back in. I’ll use my regular polka dot cotton for this which should stop the puffy look that happened from the quilted cotton goodness.
  • Explore the fit around the front armscye. It feels okay at the moment but I think it needs to sit a bit more flush against my torso- a few wearings will let me know.

The Deets

Pattern: Bodice of Moneta by Colette Patterns and skirt of Violet by Bluegingerdoll

Fabric: 1.5m of quilted rayon/polyester blend from Addicted to Fabric

Notions: 2 metres of clear elastic, thread, sweet and salty popcorn

See also: Idle Fancy, A Stitching Odyssey, Naomi Molly


Overall, I am super happy with this number- it is a perfect addition to my work wardrobe! This is one of my fastest purchase to finished garments ever- as in just over a week from seeing the fabric to final fit. Booyah! In other news around the traps, we’ve begun home renos on Chez Bimble + Pimble in earnest but more importantly Miss Bimble turned 11 last week and in celebration she had 10 teeth removed the fortnight earier. Poor wee sprite. She has healed up well but now has a super gap toothed grin. It just adds to her charm…



  1. Love, love, love it! So pretty and swirly and I love how the basic black fabric is so interesting and pretty up close.

  2. Dude! This looks amazing! I totally have to try the moneta! Also, you are hilarious! Xo ps I have all kinds of cargo I reckon could be strapped a la J of A! Let me know how that goes haha

    • Ohh, you so need to give it a whirl! You’d continue your wins with cute knit dresses- the green and blue was epic! And all hail strapping the cargo down, I say 😉

  3. One word. Guns.

    Actually, two words. Awesomefreaking frock!

    Can’t wait to have an hour to sew up my faux quilted red Astoria! Oh time, you are deffo not my friend.

  4. Sweet and salty popcorn is the best. I’m eating it non-stop. Hint: done read the Nutritional Info panel. It is not your friend.

    Amazing dress – love it.

    • It’s so crazy amazing, Ami! I keep saying I won’t bring popcorn to our sewing meetups and I do every dang month and proceed to eat it all. nomnomnom

  5. Good looking dress that is also squishy, what a win! And here’s to elderly-pets-with-no-teeth — my cat is in the same boat. He bounced back so quickly!

    • It’s amazing how quickly they heal up- though the first 24 hours were horrid because we had to sedate poor Bimble. Ugh. I hope your kitty is sassy and well!

  6. I just had this minor/major panic/woah moment when I thought you had an 11 year old daughter. The DOGS, of course! Phew; glad they’re alright.’
    Liking the dress too :0

    • Definitely children of the furry variety over this way, AK! She’s doing well and is napping next to me with some snores- I’d like to say it is because she is a grand dame but really it is because she is a furry snore machine 😀

  7. OMG BIMBLE! So cute! Good call on raising the waist seam, I think it really does make a difference.

    PS OMG that popcorn – heavenly.

    • Lady- that waist seam need to get itself up! I also took 3cm off the skirt length- super glad I did! And I said I won’t bring the popcorn again but we all know that is a blatant lie! 😉

  8. You rock this dress! Oh man, I do love that fabric. I hate sewing with knits or I would seriously copy you wholus bolus. And Bimble, that is the raddest grin ever, toothless or not!

    • Thanks, Jillian! This is my first successful attempt at a knit frock (my Lady Skater was a horrific mess!) and I couldn’t be happier 😀

    • Thanks, Sarah! It hemmed up a charm- I gave it a good press with a pressing cloth and it is sitting great, The hem is overlocked and folded up to eliminate excess puffiness 😀

  9. What awesome fabric! I think you definitely need a bomber made from the leftover. Im loving sewing with knits at the moment too. So much faster than women’s. My only issue is I don’t have an over locker so sometimes I get wavy hems. Must figure out how to combat that!

    • Kat, it is a wonderful unicorn of fabric! Seriously! And oh no to no overlocker! They are worth every penny but a zig zag does a lot of the same goodness (though maybe Corey could surprise you with an overlocker some time soon? teehee!)

    • Thanks, my dear! And I too much much prefer the flared skirt, I have to say! The gathered version would need a whisper thin knit and that just isn’t my bag! 😀

  10. That fabric is amazing and perfect for your franken dress! You look super put together and I can only imagine how comfy! Hooray for secret pyjamas!

    Happy Birthday to Miss Bimble! She is such a cutie!

  11. This looks fantastico! That fabric is awesome! I agree about sweet & salty popcorn (or “kettle corn”, as we call it here)… it’s the most magical treat, especially since you can eat boatloads of it since you don’t get too sugared out or too salted! Oh wait, that’s terrible…

    Happy birthday to your sweet girl! Poor Doug had 11 teeth removed last year and it was super traumatic to the both of us!

    • Ohhh, I love the name kettle corn! And yeah, that is the trap- you just keep grabbing handfuls an then all of a sudden the bag is empty and you think “What jerk came and ate the popcorn” and realise it was you O_o

      Oh, Doug! It’s the 48 hours afterwards that was the killer when we had to keep her sedated. Heartbreaking!

    • *hat tip* Many thanks, milady!
      And my rap battle tales are many and (not so) glorious… Nothing like having friends who humour you in impromptu rhyming and rhythm challenges 😉

  12. Haha! I love your blog, Amanda! You never disappoint. And your dress looks wonderful. Stealth pi’s, for the win! Now I need one, STAT!


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