Amanda vs Milano Cape of Awesome

Why hello there, gentle reader. I did not see you stumble upon this blog post. Let me gaze at you in a sassy manner whilst I try to establish why you have ventured here…


Could it be my Milano Cape? I have been chipping away at this baby for two weeks now and have been hinting- nay!- teasing at its awesomeness. So let’s have a wee peep, shall we?

Check that sassiness out!

This pattern was a challenge for a sewist like myself and if I am completely honest with y’all- I loved it. It was like working at a puzzle… one that I could tackle step by step with youtube, google and gin cocktails to guide me. I learnt to make welt pockets, sew button holes and even make my first ever self drafted lining. And it worked! Check this sassiness out! Nothing says awesome like pink and grey…
I even managed to match my Chucks to the shell and lining combo as well. I call that commitment. Or, perhaps having too many pairs of Converse. But hey, I’m not judging myself…
Before we get into the challenges and successes of this project let’s take a moment to see this bad boy in evil villain twirling action mode.

Bwah ha ha!

So what I loved about this pattern:

  • Welt pockets. Once I got the handle on these they were easy to do and look absolutely fabulous. I have the urge to add them to everything. I’m certain they’d add a little sophistocation to my PJ shorts, right?
  • Buttonholes- this is the first time I have ever successfully completed them. I used an additional piece of facing cut to the size of the holes to add extra stability and it worked a treat. Sure, they took me three hours to get the whole six of them done but it was worth it to take time and get the experience. Though I am debating whether or not to use fray stop on the button holes? Would this be helpful or make things look messy. Does anyone have a preference?
  • Lining- I am so proud of myself for doing this myself. I cut out pieces that were the size of the shell minus the facing pieces then added the seam allowance. This worked well except for one piece which slipped when I was cutting. It was a wee bit too big which I discovered as I was hand-stitching the lining opening closed. Some tiny hand-stitched pleats made that bit of excess fabric disappear easily and kept a professional finish.
  • Pockets- The pattern came with a pocket bag which would leave visible stitching on the shell. Because I was being so precious with my fabric (did I mention it was a wool/cashmere blend? that’s right I have- only about 76 billion times) I wanted the finished cape to look sleek. As a result I freestyled me some pockets- these have worked well and look fine but I have some changes in mind for next time.
  • Peter Pan collar- I’m not sure why but I am loving this look on this cape. Oh wait- I do know why. Because it is RAD!

The changes I would make for next time:

  • Buttons that aren’t five billion centimetres thick. These glories have a single shank on the back, weigh a tonne and flop around like french fires left at the bottom of the carton. They caused me no end of grief trying to line up button holes and button placement as well as being so thick the collar couldn’t sit flat. I had to move the top two buttons six times to get it to sit right.
  • Lighter fabric, no lining. I needs me some summer cape. I’m thinking something light and lovely made exactly as recommended.
  • Not too be so scared of getting off the beaten path of my sewing skills. The pattern directions are not as detailed as I am used to but that is not a bad thing. I had to rely on myself and my mad searching *cough* and cocktail making *cough* abilities to work out some of the techniques I have never used before to get things done. Sewing is an adventure where you learn new tricks all the time. And as the wise wordsmiths, Aerosmith, have oft said -we’re living on the edge. True words, Steve Tyler, true words.


But let’s be honest. The best part of making and wearing a cape? Pretending to be Nosferatu in your front yard. You know you want to. The Milano Cape rocks. So get on it!



  1. Thanks, Neeno! I knew black would not suit me- practical as it is- so I had been waiting for six months for the perfect wool and was so happy to have found it!

  2. Soooo cool! I love how bright it is and how bold the mammoth buttons are. Sounds like you learnt a lot making this… including how to cackle like a fiend, an essential skill to have…

  3. Thanks, RTS! It had it’s first public debut yesterday at a baby shower- the only problem was it was too warm so it looked lovely draped over a chair rather than on. These are challenges I face… *insert dramatic soap opera music*


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