Amanda vs Lisette 2245

When there’s too much fabric,
Hanging round your shelves…
Who you gunna call?
Stash Busters!

When you have old patterns,

That still aren’t made…
Who you gunna call?
Stash busters!


I’m gunna make me some plans,

With stuff in my stash…
Time to become a…
Stash buster!


It’s time to stash bust.

After reading a number of posts about fabric selection over the last few weeks I took some time to look through my stash. Egads- it was like a jungle in there! I’ve only been on this sewing gambit since the start of this year so my fabric pile wasn’t too high but there are some hot messes hidden within… Bizarre cat wizz yellow floral polyester print? Check. Odd faux 70s floral upholstery fabric? Check. Random voile patterned like a major bruise from derby? Check. What can I say? My early fabric purchasing days were somewhat eclectic. But since I bought myself some lovely goodies in the States I have started to appreciate quality and feel rather than cheap. So with this in mind I started the Great Fabric Cull of 2012. My stash is now looking harmonious and colour coordinated. But what of the dross? Well that is where Stash Busters comes in. I have paired fabric that is still lovely but I have no plans for with patterns already existing in my collection. Over the next few months I will be making exiting new projects with quality fabric as well as carving through my old fabric bit by bit to bust the stash… Feel free to join in and start whipping your fabric stash into line!
Which leads me to my first stash busting project… Lisette 2245 which I have made a tunic from before. Or projects. I tried this pattern twice- once with a Lisette cotton sateen and then with my left over tiny houses voile. Let’s have a look, shall we?
Cotton sateen…
The lovely yoke feature of this top is completely lost here and the drape of the fabric is all wrong. It feels super boxy and there are weird folds in the fabric. I call this a stash busting fail.
Luckily for me I had some leftover tiny houses fabric from my Cynthia Rowley dress muslin. After some grading down of the pattern around the hips and removing the button fastening at the back of the neck I had a second go.
Cotton voile…
What I liked about this pattern:
  • The relaxed fit. I’m generally all about the fitted pieces so this is a lovely change.
  • Nice and easy instructions to follow.
What I would change for next time:
    • Fit the neckline better. It feels a wee bit too wide on the ol’ shoulders.
    • Fine a way to make the yoke feature pop more. This could be contrast fabric or mayhaps even some sassy piping…
So welcome to the first of my stash busting adventures. I feel there are going to be some awesome successes… And some tragic fails. If you’re also doing some stash busting, please link away in the comments! I love to see how people handle the excess in their fabric collection.

But now you must excuse me- I’m off to play a rousing game of volleyball in my relaxed fit tee…

(Don’t ask. I have no idea what I was doing when this photo was taken…)


  1. Too cute! I’d call the last pic ‘Muscle Beach party’…that back button never seemed to have a point on mine either…so what do you do with all the upholstry fabric? I have a heap too.

  2. upholstery fabric gets made into BAGS!

    And my stash is big – but it needs to be BIGGER – I love using two different fabrics in a piece, and often the colours a re not exactly perfect together, or the colours are fine and the textures are way off…. (Do I have a problem?) ;D

    and yes, cotton voile is a lovely fabric! It’s a sweet print too.

  3. Beware – one day your baby stash will grow into a real stash, and then there’s no stopping it from taking over your home (and the patterns collude in the takeover). There is no defence – their temptation is too great.

  4. I generally have things in my stash that will be used for something. But I havent gotten round to making it yet. 😛
    I do want to grow my stash a bit for those moments when you just fancy making something randomly but I haven’t had the cash or sometimes lack inspiration!

    Oh and I love your pictures! So much fun!

  5. Julie- I am totes thinking bags. I am scared of getting a big stash though and having lovely things getting lost (I am a horribly organised anal retentive type- just ask Jess). Am loving the idea of a mix and match fabric bag though…

  6. I fear the stash blob, Sarah! And I was goofing around waiting for husband to sort out the iPhone when that picture happened. I’m thinking I was totes Iceman from Top Gun!

  7. I’m scared, RTS! I love the way you manage your stash and record everything going in and out. Super inspiring. I have been very good and haven’t bought any fabric in two months. It’s kind of freaking me out to be honest…

  8. Thanks, Kim! I am a bit of a goof with photos. And in my day to day living. It kind of fits 😉 I’m thinking of having a core stash of a few awesome different fabrics (polka dots are def in there!) that can be on back up. But small. Otherwise I could totes be on Hoarders…

  9. Stash busters? You are too too funny! I’ve been wanting to watch a Halloween movie and your post just made me think of Ghostbusters. Yep, I’m going do it – watch it!

  10. Hi Amanda, sorry two comments on the same post! Just wanted to say thanks so much for your sweet comment on my sewing classes post, it was much appreciated. Zoe xxx

  11. I have been looking for a copy of this pattern, but sadly it is out of print. Would you be interested in selling yours or allowing me to make a copy and returning it to you? Cute tops!

    • Hi Paige, unfortunately I gave this to Lifeline about a year ago. Totally regret it now- I’d love to remake the top again! Good luck- I hope you are able to find it!

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