Amanda vs Linden Sweatshirt

This may come as a surprise to y’all but I am not known for my patience. Yup, big shock that one. It may be the ridiculous amounts of sugar I consume (much like a hummingbird) but the ability to wait patiently and not race ahead was left off my personality traits in favour of mad breakdance skills and improvisational rhyming. So it still befuddles me to this day why I thought self quilting a pair of long sleeves would be a great idea when making my first sweatshirt… Oh, wait- it’s because it makes things look all kinds of rad! Say hello to the insanity inducing self quilted sleeve wonder of my 2015 wardrobe.


This bad boy is the Linden Sweatshirt by Grainline Studio. It features a relaxed fit, raglan sleeves, and a slightly scooped neckline with options for sleeve cuffs and a waistband. As winter has hit with a bang in the Berra already (-7 on the way to the gym = sad frozen panda) it is time to be making up snuggly pieces. I went with View A but lengthened the body and sleeves by 4cm and removed the sleeve cuffs and waistband. Sassy!


The body of the Linden is made up from some white faux quilted poly spandex blend scored from Darn Cheap Fabrics. But let’s talk sleeves. These bad boys are made of a Marc Jacobs terry knit remnant from The Fabric Store scored for $6 back in 2012. I’m not sure where the idea to quilt came from (too many G&Ts or perhaps not enough?!) but once it was in my mind I had to go with it.

Given my vast (read: zero) quilting knowledge it is quite surprising how well this turned out. I got some advice from Addicted to Fabric and bought some thin but squishy cotton batting. It was then time to make a delicious Marc Jacobs knit sandwich by roughly pinning everything together. To get the line spacing even and make it easy to follow I used painters’ tape stolen from our house painting kit and measured diagonal lines 1” apart.


Then came the first batch of stitching beginning from the middle and working out. This required a walking foot, an audio book, patience and several wines. Due to my attention span rivalling that of a squirrel on uppers the quilting was broken into 20 minute chunks to get it completed. Once the first batch of stitching was done the fabric was re-taped on the cross diagonal and the sewing started again. Let me tell you there was some seriously exuberant dancing when this was all finished. Nothing says completed quilting like a pop and lock. Bam!


Construction wise everything was very straightforward and it went together easily. This pattern was sewn up at Sewaway surrounded by 13 other rad sewing ladies and the fact it came together without problems is a testament to how well it is drafted. Mainly because I was making raptor noises at everyone while sewing. And then providing alternate commentary to Jurassic Park. Because that’s what I bring to sewing catch ups: pure. class.


What I liked about this pattern:

  • The comfy fit. This is another stealth PJs pattern. Mmm ninja comfort!
  • The raglan sleeves. These make me think of high school letterman’s jackets (Not that I have ever seen a real one but 90s tv taught me this. And also it is possible to slay vampires whilst quipping like a boss- thanks, Buffy!)
  • How quickly it went together. Except for the quilting. Never again.

What I’d change for next time:

  • Go down a size. I ended up removing a good 1.5” on either side seam and up into the arm. This isn’t a sizing issue from Grainline just my preference to a more fitted look.
  • Pinch out a couple of centimetres from the back neckline. There’s sometimes a draft onto my back meat and that’s not rad.
  • Try stretch fabric for all the pieces. Amanda, just because something is stretched pre-quilted does not give it super powers to be a stretchy post-quilting. /facepalm

The Deets

Pattern: Linden Sweatshirt by Grainline Studio

Fabric: 80cm white faux quilted poly blend, 90cm grey Marc Jacobs terry knit

Notions: 90cm cotton batting, thread, painters tape because I’m a renegade

See also: Katy and Laney, Cut Cut Sew, Made by Melanie


Overall, I am so happy with how this turned out! I’m looking forward to this becoming part of my winter wardrobe with some black skinnies and my ubiquitous Chucks. But enough casual clothes- Frocktails is on in two weeks and I need to start my ensemble STAT! Wish me luck- eep!


  1. I love it! I’ve been wanting to do some quilting like this for a while. I’m glad you mentioned about the fabric not being stretchy after quilting – wouldn’t have thought of that!

  2. Oh how I missed seeing your raptor hands in operation at Sewaway! This is fabulously glorious & snuggly – I suspect I’ll need one for a -7C coffee in Canberra then! brrr… you berra lasses are made of stern stuff!!
    Love it, love the quilted sleeves, and the colours, very rad 😉

  3. Ahhhhh yes. I read your quilting story with several sympathy nods having quilted just the shoulders of my Ziggi jacket & a panel in my Manhatten skirt. It’s a long arduous task… think dinosaurs surviving the ice age stuff.
    I’ve been most indecisive (that’s a core personality trait along with lack of patience) about Linden but that neckline scares me, methinks my lack-of neck meat may be somewhat troubled by the breeze… I’ve got a Burda hoodie in the pile that might bypass Linden …. although I do LOVE a Grainline pattern…

    • Ohh, I bet the Ziggi looks amazing with quilted shoulders! I am one who likes a wide neckline (think Moneta and Nettie) so this is right up my ally but I can totally see it bothering peeps. Go the hoodie!

  4. Thinks out definitely won this battle! You showed that pattern whose boss. The quilted sleeves are amazing. Totally worth the trouble.i have this one on my winter see list. Hopefully I can get it done now I’m on uni break.

  5. This looks so great!! I quilted a project once, and I was all how hard could it be, it’s just a few straight lines, but it too FOREVER! Anyways totally work the extra effort!

  6. Whoa girl you got some patience after all! This is why I’ll probably never make my husband the quilt he’s been asking for..poor guy. This turned out really well!

  7. marvelling at your quilted sleeve loveliness whilst also trying to stop the image of a squirrel on uppers dancing in my head! 🙂
    Love your Linden!

  8. This looks awesome, duder! It’s so sporty and fun! And YOU KNOW I had a letterman’s jacket… I didn’t look very cool in it, though. 😀

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