In 2019 I gave myself two sewing projects to work towards: a bra and a pair of jeans. The bra is mostly completed and sadly in the totally incorrect size but the jeans are done and I am rather in love!

These are the Workroom Social Claryville Jeans. I was absolutely smitten with these when I first saw them because they’re drafted for a pear/hourglass shape, have extra room in the calves and are a classic fit with a mid-rise waist. This is basically catnip for me and then when I saw that they cuffed super well I basically threw my dollars at my computer. Except not literally because I am hoarding all my dollars for my USA road trip later this year to see lots of national parks and perhaps fill my suitcase with fabric.

For the fabric, I called the team at The Fabric Store in Sydney and they sent up a batch of samples. In the end this is a 2% stretch denim from Marc Jacobs that came in at $6 a metre. Seriously. I ended up grabbing 3m to make a pair of jeans shorts (jorts?!) for fitting purposes. In hindsight I should have ponied ups the extra $6 and gotten enough for two pairs. Because spoiler–the test jorts worked!

Construction wise, this project took time but I broke this down into short sewing chunks over the course of October. I found the fly construction different to what I have encountered before but it turned out well. I also decided to make these fun and more me by using hot pink thread for my overlocker and adding a random pocket design which I ended up freaking loving. Go 2019 Amanda improvised design skills!

Fit wise, this is freaking delightful! When I sewed my jorts the only change I made was to shorten the zip and raise the end of it by 2cm. I found the fly was way too long on me and it looks much better now. I also had the outer seams let out by 1cm on each side but when it came time to sew my final pair I pulled these in to the actual seam line. These are the first jeans I have sewn that haven’t twisted around my right thigh so far that the seams are 90 degrees of where they should be by the hem. I was mentally starting to feel defeated by jeans but I think *touch wood* the curse is lifted!

What I liked about this pattern:
- The aforementioned lack of twisted leg. This was a game changer.
- The drafting for a larger hip to waist ratio. It was so damn awesome to be a straight size!
- The cut. This is type of jeans I buy to wear. Now I just have to get the guts to cut into my Cone Mills Denim I’ve been hoarding for three? four? years now…
What I would change for next time:
- I may try a different fly insertion. This one was a bit puzzling. Or perhaps I should try it again and practise…
- I may take a bit of the extra room out of the calf area. Though my muscly leg ladies are loving having some space to breathe.
- I’m going to wait til it cools a bit and I get to wear these in before I examine any other tweaks.
The Deets
Pattern: Claryville Jeans by Workroom Social
Fabric: 2m of Marc Jacobs bargain denim from The Fabric Store, Alice in Wonderland quilting cotton from before I started sewing
Notions: jeans zip, button and rivets, thread, interfacing, label
Size: 12
Alterations: shortened the zip and fly by 2cm
See also: The Drapery, Lladybird

Overall I freaking love these so dang much. The sense of relief I felt to sew a pair of jeans that fit my body (which has changed significantly since my ankle rebuild, natch) is really empowering and yet another reminder for me about why sewing is so awesome. And for the final stage of my jeans sewing journey I implemented the last test: ninja kick ability. I rate these–KA-POW!

PS no Beanie bandana for this one as it is an older make.
Thank you for the thorough review! They look amazing. I too am a straight size in these and have them on my 2020 sewing list.
It is so awesome to finally get into a straight size! Also, the seam allowance is generous which is great for fit tweaks 😀
I have always been afraid to sew jeans! You did an amazing job! The fit looks perfect and the execution is flawless!
This was a perfect month long project–lots of small steps made it feel achievable!
Those jeans look great! And your pocket stitching is fabulous. You mentioned a trip to U.S. with lots of national parks planned. My only piece of advice, go on any ranger tours and evening chats that you can. When we went to Mammoth Cave recently those things took the visit to a new high!
Ohh! That is amazing advice–thank you! I love guided tours!
Wow! These jeans are stupendous. As a fellow muscle-y legged lady (bicycling gives you great, but well-muscled calves), I’m excited to hear about the calf room in this pattern and the hourglass cut. And, if I may be so bold, the pocket stitching makes your back side look like a million bucks.
These are seriously awesome for peeps who need full calf adjustments! And thank you — I feel super sassy in these!
I love your jeans and feel
Inspired to try a pair for myself, I have made some Persephone pants recently and have button fly process sorted. 2020 challenge!
Ohhh! These would be amazing with a button fly!
Oooh – I’ve not heard of this pattern before, but the fit profile sounds brilliant and they look awesome on you. Off to investigate…
Thank you! I am still super delighted with the pattern. It’s so good!
This whole post had me cracking up, especially picturing you throwing dollars at your computer screen. I’ve been in such a state over patterns/fabric/anything sewy that I was practically stuffing the dollars in.
And I agree with Amber… stellar rear view!
teehee! Glad to make you laugh 😀 And it truly felt like I could just throw fistfuls on monopoly money around when I saw that line drawing!
Ugh these fit you so well, I want to take them from you but it would be a gift (well, theft) of the Magi because they would not fit me so well. Still. They’re gorgeous!
Bwah ha ha! I am so stoked with the fit on these. I feel like memade jeans have been a Cinderella glass slipper situation for a few years now 😀
So great. And how awesome that the cursed right twisty leg dilemma has been vanquished!
Right?! I am so dang happy that the leg curse is lifted!!
This is very helpful, thanks for detailing your thoughts. I’ve had denim purchased for months and I’ve just been debating back and forth what pattern to take a stab at. Your thoughts and photos have convinced me this is the one. Thanks!
Yay! It is a great pattern 😀 Wishing you lots of luck!
I musta missed this when it came out. I LOVE those jeans on you. and wow, a pattern for us curvy in-y out-y women! If I need jeans I know what pattern I’ll be trying out. Thanks!
They are a really great pattern! I’m about to cut out another pair 😀