Some projects come together quickly and smoothly. And some projects, for reasons unknown, take five times the duration you budget for. This magnificent rain cape is one of the latter projects. But never mind that! Gaze upon its cheerfulness and rejoice!

This is the Burda 03/2014 #128 rain cape. I first spotted this in Renee’s instagram stories back in January and bookmarked this post haste. While I have a trekking rain coat my hikes in Peru I was after something a little easier to pop on in the cold when I’m walking Jellybean. This rain cape features welt pockets, a drawstring hem, a placket closure and a whole lot of sass. Just what you want for wet and dreary days!

The 100% polyester rain coating fabric puts the FUN in functional — oh yes, I went there. I found this at The Fabric Store in Sydney when I was visiting for Frocktails in February. I got a swatch to take home and test with water and had a blast rolling the droplets all around. I also grabbed some matching cotton/linen lining from The Fabric Store as this is a loose fitting style and I wanted something a little breathable under the shell.

Okay, let’s get real with this pattern. It’s been an age since I sewed a Burda and this lady has gotten rather coddled with indie pattern instructions over the last few years. Let me tell you – Burda ain’t got time for that. And it was awesome! I got to draft some pieces, tinker around with facings and go rogue with the patchy instructions. Just the right amount of fiddly bits to be interesting!

I had a couple of hiccups on the way with incorrectly drafting the sleeve facing pieces and not having enough fabric to recut. Thank goodness for some creative scrap quilting which got me the fabric length I needed! For the hood, I wanted the brim to have some structure so rather than use the suggested fusible interfacing, I quilted in heavy duty interfacing which gives it a great shape. Oh, and I also messed up one of the drawstring eyelets and smooshed it flat during insertion. To get it out I hammered it until it broke apart and then removed the pieces. Let me tell you – sewing this cape was a journey…

One last thing to mention, is that all of the seams have been waterproofed using a tent repair sealant I snaffled from BCF called Glutex. This does leave a very faint sheen over your seams but keeps things water tight. Also worth noting the fumes are INTENSE with this stuff so make sure your area is well ventilated. Eep!

What I loved about this pattern:
- The shape. It’s so easy to quickly pull on when you’re heading out the door.
- The little details. The welt pockets, the pearl snaps, the quilted hood lining, the facings. It all makes something very utilitarian rather special.
- The drawstring hem. This has proven to be super handy in the wind and rain.
What I would change for next time:
- Take my time drafting pieces. By the time I realised I needed to draft the sleeve facings I was getting super impatient and then paid the price. Slow on down, Amanda!
- Go a size down. There is oodles of ease here!

The Deets
Pattern: Burda 03/2014 #128 rain cape
Fabric: 100% polyester rain coating for the shell and cotton/linen blend for the lining from The Fabric Store
Notions: 80cm separating zip, pearl snaps, eyelets, polyester cord, heavy duty interfacing for the hood, thread
Size: 42/44
Alterations: none
See also: the only other version I could find is a super cute matching set by I Believe I Can Sew

Overall, I loved my rain cape so hard. I wear this for walking Beanie and it has kept me warm and dry plus I have pockets to put my phone and her snacks in. Huzzah! And the fabric is just so joyful – it makes it a pleasure to be out in the rain. And in awesome news I have a tiny enough dog that a bunch of my fabric scraps will be big enough to craft her a matching raincoat so keep your eyes peeled over the next month for matching outfits!
Thank you for this review! It’s been on my list for ages and now got moved to this summer lineup, thanks to you. It’s exactly what I need for walking Linus Van Pelt Rosenfeld and popping over to the grocery store. Yours is MARVELOUS! Especially helpful to see on you as I’ll be sewing the same size.
As an owner of a few brightly coloured raincoats (I have a thing for them), this is just gorgeous. I may have to have a go myself one of these days.
And those sleeves!!!
That is such a cute raincoat/cape! I think making a matching dog version might make the internet explode though, careful with that!
So so good! I have a little hint. For that little hood brim a brim piece cut from a the wall of a large yoghurt container works ridiculously well. Seriously. I make vintage cycling caps for hubby (which he chooses over bought ones every time) and I cut a brim from the yoghurt container and insert between the outer and lining pieces. It’s completely waterproof and so won’t sag or flop about when wet. Just a thought!
This looks look such hard work, but what an achievement! I might actually put this on my sewing list! Super well done, I know you will get loads of wear out of it. And I am dying to see the little dog outfit too!
I am totally in love with this and am now in sear of rain coating material with little success 🙁 also trying to find a pattern in my size is near impossible. Might have to try my hand at grading up (I am terrified at the thought)