Amanda Attempts Knitting

Hello from Ze Plague Haus of Doom! Life as we know it in Chez Bimble and Pimble has been put on hold this week as husband and I try to take on some hideous virus that snuck past our immune systems. But that does not mean the fun has to end! Between wearing wooly socks and lying in bed all day watching Buffy episodes I have managed to sleep a lot and tackle two small crafty projects that would not end badly if I fell nodded off mid-creation (which is happening frequently).

So, enter the dragon (or knitted goodies)

Check out these suckers! I have made little fingerless mitten thingies using some of the wool I picked up at Purl Soho in New York.

I attended a “Beginners Knitting” class a couple of weekends ago for something new and different (you know me, I’m the craft renegade!) and this was what we worked on. This is my second attempt at the pattern and I am really happy with how they turned out.

They’re super snug and keep my hands nice and warm while my body temperature is going all over the place. I call it a beginners knit win!

The other project that I have completed is my wacky self-drafted beanie pattern. My dear friend Jess has coordinated a fantastic effort to collect 100 Beanies for the Royal Brisbane Hospital oncology unit to help out patients who are undergoing chemotherapy treatments. This is a fantastic drive and if you are interested in helping out more information can be found over at Jess’s blog Epheriell Designs and the link to the 100 Beanies page is here. So, with two pairs of fingerless mittens under my hat I decided to have a bash at following a YouTube to knit a beanie. My first three attempts were a hot mess. See Exhibit A…

Yes, that’s right. The beanie was getting bigger. Kintting fail. I then decided to do my own thing and while it is plain and simple it totally worked. And I can decrease like a pro now! Check it out.

And it fits a normal head unlike the hideous growing prototypes…

This sassy beanie has now had a lovely wool wash and is dry and fluffy. But the best bit? It is snug and warm and on its way up to Queensland to help some peeps out. I call that an epic win.

And on that note, I’m off to knock back some OJ. I like to live large.



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