Everyone vs Sewing Photo A Day Challenge

I blame the blog hop. All those glimpses into rad sewing peeps’ lives has been intriguing and inspiring. But it also got me thinking how I’d love to see more of how people go about the fun that is sewing. Their spaces, their processes, and of course, their stashes. So in the interest in being a great big sticky beak I’m running a month long Instagram sewing photo a day challenge during November. Sewing? November? Sewvember it is! (oh yes, I went there!)

bpSewvember-badgeThis challenge is for all rad sewing people out there. It’s a chance to share a glimpse of your sewing world. Sewing can often be a solitary pastime and for some of us it can be hard to find other sewists nearby. So let’s share our sewing spaces, our pattern stashes (eep!) and epic wins. It’ll be like having a gang of sewing buddies popping by everyday!

Pattern-GrabBelow is a cheat sheet to the prompts for each day. Please feel free to share this on Instagram, your blog or any other social media that floats your boat. I’ll be posting each day’s prompt on my Instagram account each day throughout November. I’ll also have a little blurb fleshing out each of the ideas- though they should be mostly self-explanatory. We’ll be starting on November 1 and going all the way through to November 30.

bpSewvember-photo-challengesEach day I’ll be doing a round up of my favourite images of the previous day- so make sure you tag your pictures with #bpSewvember and @bimbleandpimble so I can check them out!

So……are you in?





  1. hey, hi!! I’ve just found you through instagram and I think this is a wonderful projects. I am absolutely IN!! Also because I hate the month of November, so it’s nice to know that i have something to look for during that time. I want to meet fellow sewers!

  2. This looks so FUN!!!! I am going to share on my blog because I’d just *love* to see this in my IG feed. Kind of how I was all aflutter during MMM! 🙂

  3. I am very much in! I’m dicho_hecho on Instagram. I’m on holiday a few days in November but I should be able to take photos in advance 🙂

  4. This sounds like a great idea! Do all the photos need to be taken on the day itself? I’m asking as I’ll be on holiday from 11 November onwards, I would love to participate if possible.

    • Hi Anna-Rose -in regards to your daily pics feel free to use pictures from your archive or take them in advance. I’ll be prepping some for my holiday time too!

  5. Oh I’m in! I thought it was going to be another what I wore today- get that cat out of the way, we’re going to be late- crap I got coffee on this photo thing. This sounds awesome!!!

  6. Oh what a fun idea! I’m in. Will be the perfect motivation to get me back into the sewing room. I need to make me some clothes now the baby belly is gone.

  7. I love this idea! I’m not a sticky beak and so I have a hard time doing Instagram without getting overwhelmed, but this gives me a bit of focus. I’d like to join in!

  8. I would love to join. Just found you on Instagram. This will be my first join-in experience on Instagram. Hope I can keep up. I’m looking forward to meeting others.

  9. So lucky that I read about this today on Lazy Daisy Jones blog – I haven’t used Instagram much but I am looking forward to seeing what everyone posts and seeing if I remember to post myself! Great idea – thanks.

  10. Hello,
    Very new to blogging – just trying to get my act together! Also just noticed this via Lazy Daisy Jones’ blog – am I too late – can I join now and catch up by posting 2 or 3 at once?


  1. […] as a side note, a big thank you to everyone who has shown an interest in being part of the Sewvember sewing photo a day challenge beginning November 1st. It’s going to be lots of fun and a great way to have a virtual sewing […]

  2. […] One thing I’ve learned in the 4th quarter of this year is that while I may be pulled drastically in two different directions right now, I am still “meeting” extremely cool people on Instagram!  I realized after I moved into my house how much community matters and that “community” isn’t just my next door neighbors but also my compatriots on the interwebs.  I have been a bad blog reader, commenter, and like-button pusher for far too long.  Not any more!  Until I sort out how to make my day & night lives mesh better, I’m able to share my sewing life and gain much needed inspiration from others in the sewing community, all thanks to virtual space. (Hello, #bpsewvember!) […]

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