Last Christmas vacation I had this seriously lucid dream that I was in a Hawaiian movie wearing this knock out tiki dress, drinking coconut cocktails with Elvis and a t-rex. Upon waking from what I think we can all agree is possibly the best dream ever I became obsessed with making a tiki dress. After a call out for help on twitter I was set with some fabric (from Hawaii, natch!), a pattern (Gertie’s bombshell course) and supplies (boning, casing and the likes sent all the way from NYC by the lovely Charlotte). It was time. But life isn’t all cocktails with Elvis and dinosaurs. Things happened and tiki frock got sidelined. That is until the recent radness of Frocktails down in Melbourne. 30 rad sewists, 30 rad frocks- I needed to step it up. So please say aloha to awesomeness!
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The fabric triplets- Kat, Liz and I. Fabric shopping with these ladies was uncanny- but bodes well for stash swapping! |
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A quartet of Melbourne awesomeness- Belle, Rachel, Mel, Kat. Some serious style (and loveliness) happening at right here. |
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The always effervescent Lizzy. I think it was easy to pick the natural posers in the group… BWAH HA HA! |
- I freaking made it! It will take a while for this thrill to wear off, let me tell you. Bwah ha ha!
- The special finishing- hand basted pieces, kick pleat, tidy insides. I am so proud with how well this turned out.
- Hand picked zip. And it held. With zero ease. Consider my mind officially blown.
- I really want to try the bombshell bodice. I think to do this successfully I’m going to need a dress form. Pinning to a tight shirt did not work so well… Hmm… It may be time to go a shopping!
- Do I dare go a crazier tiki fabric? I’m thinking serious tiki heads. Sure, I could go refined with a silk or somesuch but let’s face it TIKI BEATS EVERYTHING!
- Spiral steel boning- I’m ready for this!
I love you so hard right now. You had me at Robot. xx
Looks amazeballs! So would love to knock up a tiki dress but bit scared of Gertie’s bombshell dress…one day! Wish we had Frocktails in Sydney, looks like a lot of fun. 🙂
It really is a knockout!! X
You made HOW many muslins? Woman, you just earned my highest respect. I knew this was an epic dress (you rocked it) but reading up on it’s creation story makes me feel connected to it. I’m hearing ya on the bodice of the burda bombshell though… it’s the only thing keeping me from actually carrying out that Craftsy course. The Vogue bodice is uber flattering on you though – you look(ed?) hot!!!
Awesome. Amazing. And hell yeah for tiki heads!
Seriously. This dress is fabulous and worth every bit of silk thread, zip grief and late nights. Bravo!
Fabulous. Rad doesn’t even do it justice! I think I’m going to do this course for making my wedding dress 🙂
The robot becomes a tough competition to the t-rex 😉 You look amazing in this beautiful dress and red lipstick! Aloha!
I love everything about this. And I honestly prefer it to the bombshell pattern. Looks like you had a great frocktails! I have to ask… Was Elvis riding on the back of the t-rex in your dream?
dream becomes reality. amazeballs. love it.
Oh wow, that’s fabulous! I am in awe of your skills! Franken-patterning like a boss and self drafting. And boning too! Just wow.
Oh too too fabulous… you’re killing me! how I wish I lived close enough to Melbs so I could join you bunch of gorgeous sewing gals for frocktails too. And, can I live in your dreams, please?
Good lord, you look amazing! And you hand-basted underlining like one of those fancy people who does that? I can’t even.
Gorgeous! I’m so impressed at your mad fitting, boning, and hand sewing skills; like a boss indeed!
That is gorgeous, a perfect fit! And I’m happy to hear it passed the robot test!
LOVE IT. Those are some amazing fitting/improvising skills you have there, lady. What a killer finished product! Gorgeous!
best robot sporting a tiki dress ever!
The zipper fiasco was so worth it because that dress is FLIPPIN’ AWESOME! 🙂
Awesome. Impressive. Stunning. Love it. You are the boss!
That is one amazing dress – like a boss, lady! Well done!!
Wow! I didn’t realise you were so under the pump to get it done. New techniques & deadlines will always result in an ACTUAL hot mess for me so hats off to you for a resounding success! Much respect!
Go you Robot good thing. So glad you finally posted the dress! Wow you are amazing to make this (and under such pressure). Got to up my skills a bit. Thanks for the inspiration!
Bwah ha ha! My robotic heart is yours, Boo xx
I feel the robot added much needed class and sophistication to this post teehee! I must admit I was starting to hit a wall with this but so glad I finished up! Am loving all your stealth makes at the moment 😀
It was my own crazy fault, Jenny! I was going to start with two months out and then I got my new job and kinda forgot. Oops! Got there in the end AND had delicious cocktails. I fear I may have rewarded proscrastination 😉
Merci, lovely lady! I am so stoked with it 😀
Nawwww, thanks Miss Anna! So happy with it 😀
Thank ye, lovely! I must admit- I may never go back to invisible zippers again. By the third zipper install attempt I had to literally walk away from the sewing machine and stand outside because I was so vexed. Dress zip was instant win. Who knew?
I need a trophy with this on it! 😀
Merci, lovely! I so want to wear it again soon… that may be a sign for more cocktails ! 😉
Let’s be honest- the robot test should be industry standard for all frocks 😉
Merci, lovely! It was a labour of love and stubborness! teehee
I know, right? This may never happen again in all honesty. But for a brief evening I was like a sewing champion. There was a sweatband and everything circa 1970s olympic games!
Cocktails with Elvis and a t-rex should feature in every lady’s dreams, I feel! Frocktails was all kinds of amazing – there is talk of a 2014 being kicked around!!!
I am using this excuse for why my Miette is still sleeveless *shame faced* Maybe we need to have a cocktails and cardigans meet up in Sydney so I can get my act into gear? ;D
If only Elvis and the t-rex would show up with a coconut cocktail. I have my fingers crossed! teehee! ;D
Bwah ha ha! I so wish this has happened! *insert rad robot dance*
OMG yes! You need to make a tikihead bombshell- this would be the best thing EVER!!!! So awesome!
Merci, lovely! I am afraid the t-rex was standing round the bonfire with Elvis in my dream. Though I can’t recall if the t-rex had a cocktail? I mean, how would he drink it with those teeny t-rex arms?!
You know I love to bust out the best moves for my photos, Inna 😉 teehee
OMG yes! There were so many rad skills in this course- I want to go back and watch it all again without crazy pressure. So much awesome in one video series!
Merci, lovely lady! We should have a rad tiki head dress challenge- so fierce!
Bwah ha ha! I am the muslin queen! I am now determined to try the bombshell bodice if only to prove to myself I can- I get so stubborn sometimes!
Thanks, lovely! I am so happy with it! Aloha!
Merci, lovely! I say give it a bash- the course is in tiny steps so it’s not overwhelming!
Next time I am Sydney way we should catch up for a beverage in our fancy dresses- too fun!
Absolutely gorgeous! And you can’t beat a dress you can robot in.
Aloha!!! That my friend is one fabulous frock. You totally rocked it! It was so lovely to meet you at frocktails.
I suggest we make a list of standards for frocks, and not as boring as ‘must be made of fabric’ or ‘must be worn by a (once) living being’.
You know how much I already love this dress. But the story of how is came to be is fantastic, I can’t believe you persevered with so many muslins, GO YOU!! I totally get you on the Bombshell cups, those things worry me, how big are they going to have to be? I have a dress form, but it is nothing like my shape even though the measurements are right, so I don’t see that helping.
Amazing job on the dress, and totally loving the robot dance!!
Looks amazing and rightly so you put a lot of effort into it!! Now get down with your bad self Mrs. Roboto!
Woot woot!! Go robot dancer! Lol. Love your gorgeous summery dress. And, looks like you had a blast at the meetup.
Thanks lovely lady! I won’t lie- I pretended to be a raptor at the meet up. Because that is totes classy and approps for a social gathering, right? 😉
Merci, Shanni! I am so happy with how it turned out 😀
The cups are seriously hellacious! But I think we can do it- I forsee a challenge ahead!
Merci, lovely! And it was all kinds of rad to catch up. Team Chacha!
Thanks, Mela! I think robot dancing should be an essential requirement to all creations!
Spectacular! Now you just have to find Elvis and the T-rex for a cocktail.
Um ya! Clearly we can’ t be the only people that know this???
This is so fab. I’m surprised the King hasn’t come back to claim you 🙂
That would be a totally epic dream date! Aloha, Elvis 😀
I’m waiting for his call 😉 And thank ye 😀
I figure this should be included in all learn to sew books. Chapter One: Equipment. Chapter Two: Raptor and Robot Testing.
Duuuuuuuuuuuude! Love everything about this post and this dress! F*CKING FABULOUS!!!!!
Works for me! Name the date 🙂
Oh man! That is a fabulous dress!! Not sure how I missed your post and it’s a damn shame I couldn’t make it to Frocktails…
Bwah ha ha! Epic sassy robot tiki dress win!
Thanks, lovely! Next Frocktails we are so catching up!
I’m so freaking jealous. Fall is coming here, I can only think about tikki dresses and then you post this! Amanda, if you weren’t so far I’d go there and steal you some sun 😀
Fall tiki dress? This must happen! 😀 😀 😀
Oh, dear Lady! You are the only person who can be elegant like a robot making and wearing this dress at a time. Love your adventures to get to complete this dress, love your dress (wonderful) and love your sense of humor. You are unique!
Thanks, Rosy! I am so happy with how this turned out and the fact I can robot in it makes it my best frock ever! ;D
Lovely, lovely dress and a super read!
Thank you so much, Cora! It’s going to be my summer event frock for sure 😀
Awesomeness! I’m hoping to head to Sydney closer to Christmas or early new year- I foresee fun times ahead!
I’ll be here, get in touch 🙂