Amanda vs the Seersucker Belladone

You know how some people embrace winter and love the chance to wear tights and pretty coats whilst they sup on their hot cocoa and head home for a lovely soup? I am not one of those people. Winter to me is all kinds of torture. There are the cold toes no matter what shoes and socks I wear, the lack of fruity cocktails (brrr… too cold!) and most importantly my inability to recall where I put my gloves/scarf/coat. So winter and I have come to an agreement that I get to escape its icy clutch once a year for some kind of vacay somewhere slightly warmer. This year my trip came a little late but that meant I could make a fun spring time frock to wear- hullo beach time Belladone!

Now, I have made a polka dot Belladone before. Let’s get that out of the way. But this bad boy is different- I swear! Firstly, the fabric is seer sucker. Pink polka dot seer sucker. All the way from Japan. I am totes scared I have reached the pinnacle of Amanda fabric with this meterage. What if this is it for me? I mean the only thing that could possibly be better would be a pink polka dot silk taffeta. These are scary thoughts to contemplate…

This was my first time sewing with seer sucker and I must say it was a pleasure to work with. My fabric wasn’t puckered all over- there were stripes of plain woven fabric and then stripes of puckered fabric- crazy fun times! I took some time to play around with thread tension for a ways to make sure the stitches were even over both the plain and puckered sections and then sewed everything up easily.

I also lived on the wild side and yet again ignored the instructions to make a hem facing. I know, I know- I am on the edge here. I like how casual and summery the skirt looked sans facing and chose to make tiny scarves out of the pieces for Bimble and Pimble instead…

Nawww! Bimble was super excited. Pimble on the other hand launched a fashion protest.  She thinks stripes are in this season and is walk striking until they arrive. Life is tough at Chez Bimble and Pimble.
One thing I was really happy with was the fit of the front bodice on this frock- I would like to play around with the dart placement a bit but otherwise am pretty dang happy. No gaping, nice fit and coral bias binding. YAY!

But let’s cut to the chase- what I loved about this version:

    • Seersucker for the win. Honestly, where has this fabric been hiding all my life?!
    • The contrast binding. This stuff rocks my world. Though perhaps I could go all of the pieces on the back for extra sass!
    • The back panel cutaway. I feel a bit sassy showing off the ole back meat but still nanna-ish as I know my bra straps are well hidden. Double win!


What I would change for next time:
  • I’ll grade the shoulders down a size or two- I don’t like how far out they pop out. While it rocks to feel like some sort of wing commander with rad shoulder pieces it’s not the look I’m going for.
  • Play around with the bust darts- I want to shorten them by an inch or so.
  • Provide more room in the back bodice piece. I’m happy with the front piece but a bit of extra ease there would solve the fabric wrinkles.

Yet again the Belladone wins me over. I’m thinking I may make another couple of these bad boys for summer as well as a few more Sureaus. Because, quite frankly, isn’t summer all about drinking cocktails in sundresses and hanging with friends? Dang straight it is!

A massive thanks to my dear friend Jess who not only is a
jeweller, blogger and vacation buddy but a fierce photographer!




  1. All types of rad! Seersucker is a scary beast, I’d never thought about sewing over the straight and wavy sections and the tension issues involved. Eek! Enjoy your vacay. That looks like a sweet beach!

  2. Oh my I love this version Amanda! I have never worked with seersucker either but it’s so classically summery. The dress looks terrific on you. And your doggies? Just precious very fashion forward. I have had to really alter the bodice darts to get mine to fit. Is it all right if I pinch one of your pics with link included to include in a Belladone blog I will write soon? Glad you had a good holiday.

  3. Rocking it sassy lady. Now the million dollar question, where the heck did you get your hands on such fabric? Can I confess I’m about to cut into something similar in chocolate brown with hot pink spots which I brought 18+ months ago from Tessuti. The only bummer is, that it’s not for me, so I’m keen for more yardage for me me me!

  4. bimble and pimble need their own tv show.

    ah, i can hear the waves and feel the warm breeze swirling the seersucker loveliness around…. i’ll just be over here drinking torontos (the orange slice, a sad nod to summer cocktails.)

  5. Truly awesome, you are totally rocking this. What an awesome place for locations shots too, definitely looks warmer than down your way! You are all kinds of fabulous in this dress and yay on the fit! I agree on the shoulders though, I have taken about an inch off mine, they are just too wide for comfort

  6. This is perfect on you! There’s always more pink polkadotted awesomeness out there, so don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll find it 🙂

    The bodice really does fit you perfectly. Did you have to do a FBA?

  7. Ahhhhhhh love this! It’s so, so cute! You’re making me want yet ANOTHER one of these dresses (seriously, it’s the best pattern ever)! You’re also really making me want to go to the beach. Oh, and for it to be summer. 🙁

  8. Super cute and fun and perfect weather to wear it! I am glad you get to go some where to take the chill out of your bones every winter! ~Laurie

  9. love the polka dots! this is super cute! i have some seersucker in my stash that’s waiting to be sewn into a summer dress, but now it’s getting cooler out and it will probably sit and wait til next year. okay actually it’s not really cold out at all (high of 80F today), but technically it’s “fall” so i feel like i shouldn’t be sewing summer sun dresses anymore

  10. What a fit! Love the dress. I have just found your blog and am reading it from the beginning. Loving it, you writing makes me smile! How cute do the dogs look! Though understand the need to be individual and go for stripes!

  11. It was such a lovely break, J! And regular seersucker has always scared me but this fabric was a nice intro. It feels so lovely and cool on!

  12. Of couse you can with the picture and link! 😀
    Bimble and Pimble would like to thank you for noticing their superior fashion stylings- life is hard being a sassy dog in Canberra!

  13. OMG that fabric sounds FAB!
    Believe it or not this came from Spotlight! Every now and then they have a stash of imported Japanese cotton and I snaffle some up. My Elisalex fabric was a Spotto import as well. O_o

  14. Thanks, lovely lady! These pics were taken at Mystery Bay- I can’t believe I have waited this long to get to the south coast- it is stunning!

  15. Seersucker may be my new fabric for summer, methinks! And Pimble thanks you for your bow suggestion- she feels this would be the most stylish option 😉

  16. Isn’t it a life changing fabric?! And B&P thank you for the acknowledgement of their adorableness ;D

  17. Thanks, Liz! The shoulders were almost at cap sleeve point which is great for sun smart but not what I’m after 😉 And I must admit- it was only 20 degrees when I took these photos. Brrr!

  18. Thanks, lovely! Believe it or not I didn’t FBA this sucker- which is kind of weird but I have heard similar things from ladies with larger cup sizes regarding the Belladone. Yippee!

  19. Belladone may just be the best frock pattern ever 😀
    Wouldn’t it be great if w could all hit the beach year round? I must admit to trying to scam the husband into moving to Fiji or somewhere where it was warm all year round. He declined. No sense of adventure there…

  20. Thanks, Laurie! Getting a way for a little while always perks me back up. Now if only I could shake the chest infection I developed whilst down there. Nooo!

  21. Thanks 😀 Oh no- the seersucker is calling to you. I say if there is still time rock that sundress like a boss! IT sounds like lovely frock weather still! 😀

  22. Thanks you so much and aloha to my tiny corner of the interwebs! Bimble and Pimble thank you for your lovely feedback- they think are pretty stylish ladies too ;D

  23. Such a good pattern for the boooooobs!! Holds them in and shows them off. Loving the polka dot seersucker. Bring on the summer sun 🙂

  24. I’m nervous as I’ve already cut the facings and plan on using them for the dress. Bit when Kitty sees Nimble and Pimble in their swag, he’s going to want one immediately.

  25. Gorgeous! Love the coloured binding, it’s so flattering too. And the beach, you know how to make a girl green with envy!

  26. Thanks, lovely 😀 I must admit the urge to make a giant batch of garments and drive down to the coast for photos is high 😉

  27. So cute – love the joy and celebration in your piccies. I know that feeling about winter – I get seriously blue and I KNOW I don’t even live somewhere very cold. I can’t imagine living further south. Great dress – love the doggy accessories!

  28. So cute!! Love the fit of the dress on you, fantastic! I’ve laughed a lot with the photo of your puppies with scarves, you are great!

  29. Thanks, lovely lady 😀 The good thing about the cold is coats… though I would rather warmer weather 😉

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