Pastel yellow and black and white polka dots. It could be a hot mess. Or it could be just plain hot. I must say by the end of this project I am declaring it SUPER AWESOME!!!
Yes, that’s right. I’m wearing a pyjama tuxedo top and mini bloomers in front of my house. You mean you don’t? It’s all the rage right now… But I digress, in the back of my stash I uncovered some cute white with black polka dot cotton I bought to line a Biegnet skirt that never happened (let’s not forget my earlier attempts at my sewing nemesis) and thought this would be super cute as the Madeleine Mini-Bloomers free pattern from Colette. And then realising I would never wear those in public I decided to make a comfy top and jammie set them. Enter a left over metre of the yellow nursery jersey I attempted another PJ top out of and the Colette Sorbetto free tank pattern. I rate this plan an A for awesomeness…
See what I did with that prop there? Eh, eh? Comedic gold! (or fool’s gold..)
Also, for some bizarre reason I also decided that I needed I faux tux front to the whole business. Does this make sense? Only in Amanda-land. Did it work? I’m thinking it did!
I’m really proud of this little feature! I removed the extra fabric allocated for the pleat on the tank front pattern piece and cut my fabric to this size instead. I then cut some white poplin to the width of the pleat allocation plus a seam allowance, sewed it up, pressed it flat and added a strip of eyelet lace down each side and some black buttons for the final flourish. May I take a moment to feel a little proud of myself and say check out how neat the top stitching is as well as how matchy matchy the lace is on either side? Rad, huh?!
So let’s get to the kicker. I spent ages pining and sewing the front panel to get it just perfect. Those sassy buttons above? Two episodes of 30 Rock to measure and sew on. I want to convey my commitment to slow burn sewing here… Feeling rather proud of myself I skipped around the house showing people how awesome I was at making faux tux panels. And then I gathered the other half of the tank to pin the shoulders and it happened. I realised I had pimped my tank back and not my tank front. Yup. Rookie mistake…
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Nice tank back. Or is that tank front? |
Now Amanda six months ago would have gotten cross and started unpicking. Sassy September Amanda merely laughed (somewhat hysterically I am sure) and dragged out the front pattern piece, traced the neckline and armhole onto my fancy tux panel and got hacking. The top still work out, my hours of fussiness weren’t wasted and I got to add some fierce gathers under the front of the armhole. Some may call them evidence of my mistake. I call them underarm ruching of POWAH!
So let’s talk mini-bloomers. Firstly, cutest name ever. Secondly, I think I am a little in love with these. I decided if they were going to be sleepwear I was going to treat myself to some fancy finishings. I used black satin bias binding to finish the top seams, yellow cotton bias binding to finish the bottom seams and then french seamed all of the seams inside. A little bit over the top? Heck, yes! But I wanted to see if I could do it and I must admit it looks rather fancy pants… See what I did there? It’s lame joke time at Bimble and Pimble!
These went together really easily except the button holes to thread the ribbon on the legs through but that is a continuing sore spot between Sweet Violet the Janome and myself… Otherwise the instructions were super clear (thanks yet again, Colette) and I must admit I will be making these again. I mean, could the ribbon ties be any cuter?!
What I liked about these patterns:
- How easily everything went together. Had I not been Ms Fussy McPantsdon I could have knocked a whole jammie set out in an afternoon.
- How customisable the Sorbetto tank is. I mean, I have made some of these before but this was the first time I played with notions on it.
- How darn cute the finished product is. It makes me want to dance…
- Double check my pattern pieces. Duh.
- Go up a size in the bloomers. They are comfy as they are but I like a bit more room in my sleep wear.
- Have an actual martini in hand whilst I take pictures of me being all snooty in my faux tux! Invisible martini!
Very cute! I did laugh when I read the top was backwards – but it was certainly a sympathetic laugh rather than a ‘fool’ laugh. We’ve all been there
But they’re so cute, and that front panel looks so neat! I thought it was one piece of trim rather than separate.
You are as cute as a button….
Thanks, Zo! I’m really happy with the front panel hence the make do and mend scenario. I still can’t believe I mixed them up- it cracks me up too!
Naw… thanks Jaxie
It’s the buttons on the front that give me the illusion of cute as a button!
I give you an ‘A’ for everything! Only you would associate a tuxedo with sleepwear – although I guess it is After 5 wear!
I think I may try those bloomers in my husband’s old business shirts… although they say never to mix business & pleasure!
Bravo!! Very ingenious customization there!! I really love the way this set turned out!
I have both these patterns, but have yet to make them; love the idea of jammies! 
I’m thinking you are looking amazing and I love the outfit – including the tights and the converse. Wear it! Or if you don’t feel comfortable in the bloomers, wear the top with cut off jeans!
Super cute – we don’t do letter grades here, but I’ll give you 12! (yes, highest grade..).
Thanks, Lizzy
Get crazy with the bloomers- especially if husband’s shirts are striped. That would look super cute!
Symon, you know you want to get on the jammie wagon! I can’t believe it never occurred to me before to use these patterns for that
lol you’re right – I do!! ^_^
Thanks, Maria! I honestly can find a way to pair Chucks with just about anything I own. I like to call it my gift
Ok that is just damn skippy precious. You may quote me!
You better believe I’ll be quoting!
I really like the faux-tuxedo as well. The whole outfit looks so comfy and cute!!!!!
Thanks, Neeno! I’m super surprised at how comfy the whole ensemble is
Love the bloomers
Thanks, Rach! They’re super comfy!!!
How burlesque-y! I love it all: the trimming on the tops, the cute bloomers, the umbrella! Very cute bedtime outfit.
Those bloomers are great, I should really make myself a pair. I haven’t seen too many versions online so great to see your cute version.
I am getting a pair of those bloomers for Christmas, right? Riiiiighhhhhtt?
Thanks, Mela! I kinda love the brolly with the look- who knew you could match bloomers to an umbrella?!
Kestrel- it’e so worth it! They are super comfy
Give me your measurements, Boo, and I’ll make you a pair for Christmas
Ooh, this is so cute! Love the little set! I’ve been meaning to make myself a little PJ set with these two patterns, but alas, so many plans, so little time! This is beyond adorable, though, and I suspect you’ll influence many a follower to make their own jams!
Thanks, Ginger! They are so crazy comfy and super easy.Give in to the RAD PJS!
These are so cute, I love the yellow and polkadot combo
Thanks you so much! I am now obsessed with polka dots- it’s a good way to live ;D
Pretty darned cute! Wow, I’m impressed with the tux bit. Sounds like “heirloom sewing” techniques I love reading about and believing one day I’ll get round to doing.
And hey great idea for the mini-bloomers as jammie bottoms. I made a pair and wear them as undies. Very comfy under a wide skirt. And so much fun.
Thanks, T! I love the idea of these as tiny pants under a skirt. I honestly had not thought of wearing them that way
Hahaha nice, you have made mad amounts of sorbettos! Noicee
Thanks, Bec! I love me some Sorbettos!