Amanda vs Plantain Tee

I think we can all agree being ill sucks. I mean, sure, there is soup and wooly socks and binge watching tv but overall it is tres lame. Nine days into a hideous virus these perks were no longer cutting it and it was time to drag myself from bed and sew something snug and warm to get well in. Luxe fabric from stash + relaxed fit tee pattern = recipe for good health!


This is the Plantain T-Shirt from Deer & Doe. It is a tee fitted at the shoulders and flaring at the hips with optional elbow patches. You can go the short, long or 3/4 sleeves options depending on what floats your boat (or how much fabric you have in your stash). Unlike my earlier endeavours into Deer & Doe territory, google translate was not needed as this sucker has instructions in English. Oh, and best of all? It is free! That’s right. Nada. Zero. Zip. I call that a victory!


The construction of this number was super easy and I have to say the pattern overall is very beginner friendly. Even whilst caught within the grasp of Death Plague 9000™, I was able to piece this together in an afternoon. The majority of the construction happened on the Janome (but with walking foot attached to help with stripe matching) and seams were finished with the overlocker. I used a short zig zag stitch for seams and a long straight stitch for the neckline finish and hems. As this is a relaxed fit tee I wasn’t too worried about the hems popping stitches and so far this has been fine. Look at me- knit wear renegade!


The fabric is pretty fierce and was pulled from my Nomura Tailor spoils picked up from Kyoto this time last year. The stripes are cream and denim blue and whilst the fabric is knit there is limited stretch which made me a little hesitant about this pattern- but we here at B+P are well known for sewing on the edge! Also worth noting- the sleeves are a weird length somewhere between short and 3/4- this is simply due to only having 1.3m fabric. Why 1.3m you ask? Who knows! I was pretty hopped up on purchasing all the Clover products at the time of this purchase so things most likely got lost in translation. The joys of sugar + awesome notions + lack of a common language!

The skirt is also a recent make. This is another of my simple, DIY gathered skirts. As per my fierce summer linen number this is a 1:1.5 ratio, features in seam pockets, centre back zip and a 10cm deep hem. I seriously love this silhouette and the fabric is a cotton pique from Addicted to Fabric. 2015 is being renamed year of the gathered skirt in Bimble and Pimble-ton!


But I digress, what I liked about the Plantain pattern:

  • The scoop neck, relaxed fit and a-line shape. Bonds, manufacturer of my fave relaxed scoop tee, is going to be mourning my discovery of this pattern!
  • No need for an FBA. Someone cue the marching band and synchronised ninjas- I HAVE A TEE THAT FITS.
  • This sucker is free. FREE!!!!

What I would change next time:

  • Try the long sleeved version as things be getting chill in the Berra. I discovered some merino pieces at the back of the stash so might do some colour blocking to fit it into one.
  • Nothing else, because I’ve already churned out another two tees!

The Deets

Pattern: Plantain Tee from Dee & Doe (free!)

Fabric: 1.3m of delicious cotton knit from Nomura Tailor *dreamy sigh*

Notions: thread, cold and flu tablets

See also: My Messings, The Quirky Peach, Paunnet

Overall, I am super happy with the Plantain and have plans to make a swathe of them to phase out the RTW in my wardrobe (read replace ratty old tees). In fact, after crawling out of my PJs to take these photos, I headed back inside to put together two more from stashed merino. Gotta love a ninja quick pattern!


But let’s also take a moment to talk about this rather sassy cowl! This number been a sick bed project and was completed over the course of a week. The pattern is the Gaptastic Cowl and it is free from Ravelry. I have to say this is probably my favourite knitted make ever (not hard when you have made like three things) simply for the fact it feels super spongy and squishy and is so snuggly to wear. Also, the colour is crazy awesome and totally out of my regular wheelhouse. It is 12 ply Estate in Limelight from Morris & Sons. I can’t recommend this enough as a beginner friendly knit.

Green-Gaptastic-CowlNow, it’s time to scoff my OJ and focus on getting well- whilst looking like a sick bed boss. YEAH!




    • Bwah ha ha! They have me on steroids now to try and fix my lungs again and those things make me super hyper- the stripes were just the challenge crazy brain needed 😀

  1. Oh I love that chartreuse green with some stripe action! The plantain is a great pattern, I was pleasantly surprised, and I like the elbow length sleeves – good for covering up fudoobadas in my household! Very stylish ensemble.

    • Oh, chartreuse is a much better word then grellow! (my current shorthand name of this colour!)
      How good is the Plantain? I’m looking forward to making the long version up to snuggle in winter in!

  2. Great outfit over all I think! I wasn’t super keen on my Plantain after wearing it a few times, but fabric is key and I think mine was not the right stuff for this top on me. I love your cowl and the colour is great. My M-i-L has offered to teach me to knit and I thought this might be suitable place to start – what do you think?

    • I have made three up, Tamsin, and found fabric totally changes the finished piece. My fave is a lightweight merino which just drapes beautifully and is so luxe to wear. And yes, this is an awesome beginner project! Cast on and K1, P1/ P1,K1 until the end. Give it a shot!

  3. I like the cowl/top/skirt combo! Thanks for the idea of doing a 1.5 ratio with the gathered skirt also. I had been using the entire width of the fabric, which did no favors for my pear shape.

    • It is my current fave ratio for gathered skirts- a fit of fun volume but not too fluffy with the bonus of enough room at the hem to run if required!

    • Thanks, Vicki! Almost back to normal health levels- yay! This is seriously the easiest knit- I listened to audio books, cuddled up on the couch and mindlessly knitted this sucker. It was super relaxing!

  4. Boo to feeling sick! But yay for that wicked new outfit! Who doesn’t love a striped tee. They are so versatile and your version is gorgeous. I’m loving the cowl. I’m a third of the way though mine and I’ve whipped up a mini version for Miss Imogen too. Thanks for the pattern recommendation!

  5. I’m glad you’re feeling better! I think putting lovely colors on your person (as you’ve done with your stripes and your cowl) is a good way to recover, too – makes you feel like yourself again.

    • Thanks, Morgan! Getting out of PJs and old shirts is totally a way to feel better. Comfort is great but after a week or so you just want to feel sassy (or at least in my head!) 😉

  6. look at you, you don’t look sick, you look adorably snuggly!! That cowl is a fab colour and would definitely help you to feel better! I made this pattern last year, it’s a brilliant and skooshy cowl and oh so comfy. I also love the Stockholm cowl, also reversible and FREE!
    Go you and your sick sewing, looks like a winner to me 🙂 take care, I hope you feel better soon
    PS – I booked accom for Canberra Frocktails today!!

    • Ohhh I am going to look up the Stockholm Cowl right now- thanks for the tip 😀
      AHHHHHH! So can’t wait to see you here for Frocktails! We’re going to get to hang out a bunch this year! 😀

  7. Yay for perfect basics! I love the colour combos of the black white and lime.
    Hope lime isn’t the colour of your throat and that you’re fit as a fiddle soon.

  8. I hope you start feeling better soon. Being ill totally sucks. I love all these makes, and I should try to make one day a skirt like this one. For next winter this cowl would be perfect.

  9. Having spent too much of this last winter with chest infections/bronchitis I completely sympathise and wish you a speedy recovery. Steroids knock me for six so I’m massively impressed with your creativity whilst on them. Get well soon.

  10. Look at you, Fancy Pantsy! Adorable outfit! I hope you feel better soon, dude! I’m on my second plague in a month and am just. not. feeling. it. anymore. Here’s to good health all around!

    • That was only the tip of the unhealthy iceberg- 22 days by the end. Ugh. But I figure that is a year’s worth of illness all at once! And thanks- the grellow is tops!

  11. heck yeah thats a great tshirt!! I have some light denim i wanted to make a dress from so this could be a good base! Glad too hear your illness is almost gone too!

  12. I’m so glad you’re feeling better Amanda *mwah, from a distance*
    Tshirt; looks very chic. I really should get on and make this pattern, I’ve had it downloaded and printed for years! Cowl: Gorgeous. Perfect. LOVE.

  13. Hey Amanda! OK I’m in awe that you could make this lovely outfit when you were poorly! Hope you’re all better now and I have such heart eyes over the chartreuse/stripes/skirt combo!


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