Amanda vs Brigitte Top

So apparently I have a knit addiction this winter. I mean, Ensis tee, Circle top and Coppelia cardigan… Where will the insanity end? Not here I am afraid with my latest make the ever so practical and ever so striped Brigitte Top from Tessuti Fabrics. It’s like I’m a stylin’ navy and white zebra!


As soon as the Brigitte Top was released by Tessuti I knew it had to be made up in some rad stripes. Thankfully I had a few metres of just the right stuff in le stash thanks to the amazing Anna from Blogless Anna. The fabric is a poly blend with a four way stretch and has a seriously comfy drape. I was able to get the 3/4 sleeve version out of the recommended 1.25 metres with a bit of room to spare. Living large!


Construction wise there is not a whole lot to talk about. The instructions are very straightforward and illustrated with photos. The whole sewing took maybe 30 minutes from start to finish. I hadn’t even finished listening to a podcast episode and I was already in a new top. Speed win!

Because this was a knit top I decided to be lazy and didn’t make any alterations before sewing it up. This was a complete epic fail in the sense I have under arm angry eyebrows again. I’ve decided to start looking seriously into this issue (it’s happened a few times now) and have ordered a fitting book (Fit for Real People). If anyone has any other suggestions for great fitting books please send them my way- I’d like to start building a small but rad library.


What I liked about this pattern:

  • Ease of construction. A fast game is a good game in my books.
  • The slim fit of this tee. It’s like they traced off my favourite RTW number. OMG, could Tessuti be stalking my wardrobe… teehee!

What I would change for next time:

  • Fix the drag lines around the armholes. These things are turning me into a rage-o-saurus! RAWR!
  • Play around with my twin stitch needle a bit more to get a smoother hem finish.

Brigitte Tee Deets

Pattern: Brigitte Top by Tessuti Fabrics

Fabric: 1.25m of four way stretch gifted from Anna

Notions: Thread, twin needles

See also: Sew Brunswick, Baste + Gather


Overall, I’m super happy with how easy the Brigitte pattern is. If you are after a styling boat neck fitted tee than this is the way to go! I’m not 100% sold on how this works for me, however, as I feel like the next is too high for my style. I think I may be a boat neck lady in my noggin but in real life I am Baroness von Scoop Neckington. But what’s life for if not living on the edge- neck meat covered up and all!



  1. You certainly did those stripes justice. I think the top looks great – boat neck & all – but I hear you on the scoop neck. It’s generally a more flattering style for those with a great rack! Speaking of great rack I wonder if your drag lines would disappear with an FBA? I know the horror. Fit For Real People is the ONLY fitting book I’ve needed. It’s well worth the investment; it’s gold!

    • I can’t thank you enough for this fabric, milady! I have made two tops out of it and it is glorious!
      Gah, not the FBA! I’m thinking it’s time to lady up and take that on…
      And yay for Fit For Real People- it has arrived while I have been away so I can’t wait to get into it when I get home!

    • Stripes are the bees’ knees, fo sho! After wearing this a few times I am indeed going to hack the neck of it out and scoop away- a lady needs some breathing room!

  2. katie at kadiddlerhopper has a great tute for a cheater knit FBA – you don’t want to get into actual FBAs on knits! it’s lovely – i have been looking for striped knit fabric for ever to make something similar but all i have found are cheap and nasty ones!

  3. Those are some seriously rad stripes. The fabric looks so beautifully sharp and perfect for that top. Can’t help but notice the awesome stripe matching too. Clearly Amanda won.

  4. It looks fantastic – the perfect striped tee. I was thinking of getting this pattern too – I’ve been a bit slack in sewing some good basics like t-shirts of late. Fit For Real People is THE BEST fitting book. I only use it (I have a few others) as it is the simplest with good coverage of fit problems. Good choice!

  5. You look fabulous but agree you may need some kind of FBA. I love this with the shorts (Iris I presume)

    I can’t recommend any sewing books as I don’t have any. Google is my friend if I want to learn something. Most of the time I am a renegade and just wing it – mostly that works 🙂

  6. Hi Amanda, just followed a link from Lizzy’s blog. You have some lovely makes and looks like you’ve been busy! Love the blue shorts with the lovely binding inside, and the Grainline PJ set is adorable! I’m a sucker for French seams in garments. The pink Totoro/cat face/heart fabric is precious! Your striped tops are looking good, but I saw you mentioned the drag lines/armhole issues you’re having. I thought I would take a moment to direct you to a couple blog posts by Mrs. Mole called ‘Fit for a Queen’. If my link does not work, search out her blog, and scroll to the posts ‘Sleeve Cap Flap’ and ‘Sleeve Cap Flap Part 2’. Mrs. Mole is a professional in her field, wonderfully humorous, and so generous with her knowledge, advice, and time. I’ve been sewing for ages and have learned from her. Here is the link:
    Also, there is a Threads article online that comes to mind, called ‘To Get the Right Armhole, Fit the Bodice’ from Nov 2008. This may also provide some insight. HTH. Good luck on your armhole quest!

    • Hi Andrea! Thanks for popping on by 😀
      This is the first i have heard of Mrs Mole and her sleeve cap articles look awesome- cheers! And I am now on the hunt for the Threads article- the sleeve issues need to be fixed STAT!
      Thanks haps for your advice- super appreciated!

  7. STRIIIIIIPES! I do love me some stripes and your top is a gorgeous example. Re the neck and arms, babe, I have the exact same problem! It’s like we’re twins or something! FFRP seemed to suggest forward shoulders, which would explain the high neck too, but as I only flicked through and have never tried the solutions suggested (how do you fit when you’re a single gal living 30mins away from friends [who don’t sew]?) you may have found a different (better) answer seeing as I’m sooo behind on my blog reading! Here’s hoping!

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